  • 學位論文

WebQuest 教學設計應用於國中九年級數學低成就學生之研究

A Study on WebQuest Design in Teaching Mathematics to Nineth Grade Underachieving Junior High Students

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


WebQuest 教學設計自1995年創建以來已被廣泛運用於教學,然而目前大多數的文獻都集中在小學自然、社會領域,而在國中數學低成就的實徵研究則較缺乏。本研究旨在探究WebQuest 教學設計對於國中數學低成就學生的學習是否有所助益,主要研究目的有三:(1)探討WebQuest 教學設計對國中九年級數學低成就學生數學學習成就的影響;(2)探討WebQuest 教學設計對國中九年級數學低成就學生數學學習態度的影響;(3)探討國中九年級數學低成就學生對WebQuest 教學設計感受程度。 本研究透過準實驗研究法,以新北市某國中九年級兩班共59位學生為研究對象,實驗組27人運用WebQuest 教學設計,控制組32人接受傳統講述教學,進行為期八週的教學實驗,俟教學實驗後,再依據前後測成績,比較兩組學生在學習成就及學習態度上的差異情形;最後針對實驗組學生進行使用WebQuest 教學設計感受問卷,以便瞭解在接受WebQuest 教學設計教學後的感受程度。研究結果如下: 一、實驗組與控制組之數學學習成就測驗後測成績均顯著高於同組之前測成績,且經過共變數分析排除前測成績的影響下,接受WebQuest 教學設計教學的實驗組學生之數學學習成就優於接受傳統講述教學之控制組學生。 二、實驗組之數學學習態度量表後測分數顯著高於前測成績,但控制組之數學學習態度量表後測分數則未顯著高於前測成績;而經過共變數分析排除前測成績的影響下,接受WebQuest 教學設計教學的實驗組學生之數學學習態度優於接受傳統講述教學之控制組學生。 三、實驗組學生將近七成五對WebQuest 教學設計運用在國中數學教學感到滿意,且有近八成學生喜愛且肯定WebQuest 教學設計的價值。


WebQuest have been extensively applied to teaching since 1995. Existing research in WebQuest mainly focused on science and social studies for elementary school students. A comparibly few studies were conducted on the use of WebQuest in teaching mathematics to underachieving junior high students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was three fold: 1) to investigate the effects of WebQuest mathematics teaching on underachieving ninth grade students math achievement; 2) to measure students’ attitude toward learning mathematics through WebQuest; and 3) to investigate students’ acceptance toward learning math through WebQuest Design. This was a quasi-experimental study of the ninth grade students from two intact classes in New Taipei City. One class, the experimental group, was taught by “WebQuest Design” in mathematics class, and the other class, the controlled group, was taught using “traditional blackboard” in mathematics class. The treatment was a total of eight weeks of mathematics classes. A pre-test and a post-test were administered along with an attitude questionnaire and the results were as follows: 1. The post-test scores which indicate their mathematics achievement for both the controlled group and the experimental group were significantly higher than that of their pre-test scores. After analyzing the Co-variance, it shows that experimental group students’ mathematics achievement was better than that of the controlled group. 2. The post-test mathematics attitudes scores were significantly higher than their pre-test attitude scores for the experimental group but not the control group. After analyzing the Co-variance, it shows that experimental WebQuest Design group students’ mathematics attitudes were better than those of the controlled group with traditional blackboard teaching. 3. Approximately 75% of the students in the experimental group were satisfied with WebQuest Design in class. Also, approximately 80% of them enjoyed and approved WebQuest Design in class to be valuable.




