  • 學位論文


The Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Construct the Business Impact Key Indicators of Business Continuity Management in Financial Industry

指導教授 : 邱垂昱 吳建文


營運持續對所有組織而言都是一個很嚴肅的課題,當企業組織在遭遇災難事故時,其維持關鍵營運活動及能否迅速完全重建營運功能之能力,將決定企業之成敗。 營運持續管理係為防治營運活動的中斷,經由實施營運持續管理作業及營運持續計劃,結合預防和復原控制措施及程序,將災難和管理缺失造成的營運中斷情形降到可接受的等級。而營運衝擊分析可以說是營運持續管理中最基本且最重要的部份,營運衝擊分析可幫助企業了解當營運中斷事件發生時其財務及運作上的特定威脅、暴露與衝擊。 本研究以英國標準協會BSI於2006年發表之營運持續管理標準BS25999為基礎,應用德爾菲法及層級分析法等研究方法來建構國內金融業營運持續管理之營運衝擊關鍵指標以決定企業面對營運中斷所建構營運衝擊分析及營運持續計劃的優先等級及順序。期望本研究的貢獻能提供研究結果給金融業經營管理決策者,作為擬訂營運持續計劃方向之重要參考依據。


To each company, business continuity is a topic that should not be taken lightly. When disasters encountered, a company’s capabilities to keep its mission- critical business processes uninterrupted and to restore its whole operations in a timely fashion play a key role leading it to either survival or failure end. Business Continuity Management (BCM) serves a mean to prevent business operations from disruption. To reach this goal, business have to built BCM from well designed business continuity planning and regular scenario practicing. With preventive measurement and standardized restoration procedure, BCM, hence, can minimize the impact of business disruption, which may be caused by natural disasters or man-made mistakes, to an acceptable level. Another critical factor that companies cannot overlook during the course of building BCM is Business Impact Analysis(BIA). It is the most fundamental yet important part, which helps companies to realize certain financial or operational threats, risk exposures and impacts occurred immediately after business disruption. This research is based on BCM standard BS25999, which was enacted by BSI in 2006. Also, this research will use Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) to help constructing the business impact key indicators of BCM in Taiwan’s financial industry. Companies can take advantage from these indicators when planning business impact analysis and BCM, prioritizing implantation steps. Consequently, these indicators may provide aid to those decision makers of the financial industry when establishing BCM.


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