  • 學位論文


The Sustainable Guest-housing Design Programming at Jing Shan Road, Yang Ming Mountain

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠 加藤義夫


近年來,地球環境危機的明顯化、區域化、全球化;因此,全球掀起了地球環保的熱潮。在建築都市政策方面,1996年行政院成立「永續發展委員會」,並將綠建築列為城鄉永續發展政策為執行重點。然而,建築物對地球環境的影響其實遠超乎我們的想像;營建與建築物所造成對環境的衝擊,以生態建築的觀點來檢視,第一步我們就得從減少建築能源的損耗開始做起。 生態綠建築是強調尊重自然,使自然生態與人類文明之間求取平衡,並以低耗能、低環境負荷、健康、舒適為設計原則,追求與環境生態共生共融的建築。本設計論文擬以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,以「永續之招待會館」為設計對象,藉由相關議題之探討,推導出目標情境與定義;最終將生態綠建築設計理念落實於小型住宅,期望能提供永續之住宅設計類似案例之參考。 本研究經由文獻探討歸結出28項陽明山菁山路永續之招待會館設計原則,相互推論出:「山光悅鳥木茂蟲集冬風庇護所」、「生命脈動與延續之芒草木構造」、「朝露雲霧光影韻律縈繞群山廬」、「建築外衣披綠霓之感官新面貌」、「善取天瀑匯集雨撲滿循環利用」、「引風入地換氣吐納呼吸之建築」等六個概念設計方向。經過線性推論與交互推理出「悠遊於自然間與跳躍生命之生態縱谷」、「倘佯於濛濛寧謐涓絲引泉之綠顏居所」等二個目標情境;與「生命悸動交響樂」之定義;再藉由定義誘導出陽明山菁山路永續招待會館情境轉化策略設計說明,再以目前陽明山菁山路作為實質規劃與預期目標之評析對象,最後提出整體規劃之建議。


The environmental crisis has become more and more obvious, global and regional in recent years. The environmental protection demands immediate attention in order to defend our earth from pollutions. In 1996, National Council for Sustainable Development was established for the purpose of promoting the global buildings as a top priority for urban-rural sustainable development. However, the building constructions have a direct influence on the global environment. From the viewpoint of biological building, it is necessary to cut down the waste of architecture resources. The global buildings emphasize the respect to nature, asking for the balance between nature and human civilization. Based on the principles of low power, low environmental load, health, and ease, the global buildings pursue the paragenesis of environment and construction. The study applies the “Heuristic Structure Theory” of architecture design on the sustainable guest-housing design. It tries to fulfill the idea of global buildings in the small housing design, and expects to provide the similar cases of sustainable housing designs as the reference resources. This study reviewed research papers in terms of the sustainable guest-housing design at Jing Shan Road, Yang Ming Mountain and 28 principles can be concluded. Further mutually-inferred and systematic cross-referenced studies narrowed down into six conceptual design directions as follows: “The Shelter of Wild Animals”, “The Recycling of Woods and Local Resources”, “The Cloudy Aura Around Mountains”, “The Recycling of the Natural Resources”, “The Recycling of Rainwater”, “The Breathing Space of Sustainable Energy”. Another linear and interactive reasoning inference are used to analyze two target situations of “The Leisurely and Carefree Nature Life” and “The Green House Surrounded by Clouds, Mists, and Brooks” and one definition of “The Symphony of Life”. Through the definition, we can illustrate the transformation of the design of the sustainable guest-housing design at Jing Shan Road, Yang Ming Mountain clearly. Based on the evaluation and analysis at Jing Shan Road, the study provides the suggestion of its entire scheme.


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