  • 學位論文


The Indoor Air Quality in a Hospital

指導教授 : 葉錦瑩


現代典型的辦公大樓大都是密閉式結構,均得仰賴機械通風及中央空調系統來調節室內溫度及通風,而根據以往報告顯示中央空調系統的使用會影響室內空氣品質指標(Indoor Air Quality;IAQ)的變化,並與病態大樓症候群(Sick Building Syndrome;SBS)有密不可分的關係,由於醫院營運性質的不同,其室內空氣品質狀況值得深入瞭解。本研究是以台北市某醫院辦公大樓為研究對象,選取了10個部門12個定點進行為期一年的環境監測,每月中旬以直讀式採樣器進行溫度、相對濕度、二氧化碳濃度、風速等測定,並記錄當時之空間人數及當月門診量,另外並針對此12個監測點各做一次連續七天的環境監測,以探討一天中、一週內或一年內環境狀況的變化,並比較工作日與非工作時段的不同。研究結果顯示,大部分單位二氧化碳濃度最大值都在1000ppm以內,僅有大廳在87年11、12月及88年2月超過1000ppm;員工餐廳、商店區、停車場等地87年7月至12月最高溫度超過美國冷凍加熱空調協會(Ammerican Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers;ASHRAE)夏季標準26.1℃,88年3月至4月超過冬季標準23.6℃。連續七天的環境監測得知,各單位二氧化碳濃度都有上班2小時後上升至最高的趨勢。行政中心、員工餐廳、商店區、門診藥局等單位可能因下班時間,空調系統部份關閉,有下班時間溫度略高於上班時間的趨勢。而相對濕度則均在建築工程師協會(Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers guide;CIBSE)標準40%至70%範圍內。該醫院通風狀況因各單位使用的系統不同,而換氣率有所不同,以麻醉科、開刀房等特殊單位換氣率為最佳;大廳、餐廳、停車場等則換氣率不足,須提供更多換氣量以維持標準的換氣率。該醫院大樓營運至今僅2年,建議未來可再選取一較老舊醫院大樓再做評估,以作比較。


It depends on central air-conditioning system to adjust indoor temperature and ventilate in modern closed - construction building. According to the previous reports, central air-conditioning system effects indoor air quality; it also related to sick building syndrome. Owing to the business uniqueness of hospital, this present study was undertaken to investigate the indoor air quality in a hospital building in Taipei. Temperature, relative humidity, concentration of CO2 and wind speed were measured by portable instruments in the middle of each month for one year at 12 points in 10 departments, number persons in the space and outpatients were recorded. Environment indices were also monitored continuously in one week at 12 points. Accordingly, the change of environment in one day, one week, one year and the difference between work-hours and off-hours were evaluated. The maximum concentrations of CO2 were under 1000ppm in most departments. However, the value more than 1000ppm in the lobby was acquired in November and December of 1998 and February of 1999. The maximum temperatures in the restaurants, shopping areas and parking areas were higher than the standard values (26.1℃ of summer and 23.6℃ of winter, according to ASHRAE) from July to December in 1998 and in March and April of 1999. Based on one-week data of continuous environment monitoring, the highest concentration of CO2 was reached two hours after beginning of working in every studied department. The temperatures in the offices, restaurants, stores and pharmacy were slightly higher after work compared to those of work hours. It is likely due to the turning off of some air-conditioning equipment. The relative humidity was ranged between 40% to 70%, which was considered to be comfortable to workers by CIBSE guide. The ventilation rate of every department was different since various ventilation systems were used. The ventilation rates were the highest in the anesthesia and operation rooms, compared to the lower rates of the lobby, restaurants and parking areas. Because the subject building is merely two years, it is suggested that an older hospital building should also be evaluated to compare the results with obtain from investigation.


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