  • 學位論文


Influence of stabilization exercise on pain , muscle strength and disability among patients with chronic low back pain.

指導教授 : 鄭綺


本研究目的有三:一、探討國內20-40歲健康者下背肌肉肌力之常模及比較。二、比較國內20-40歲下背痛患者與健康者下背肌肉肌力之用力持續時間(秒)、由靜止到最大用力時間(秒)、靜態之肌肉平均振幅(uV)、等長運動用力時最大肌力(uV)、及肌耐力(uV)。三、探討穩定運動對下背痛患者之疼痛減輕、肌力強化及失能程度下降的成效。 本研究採兩階段進行,第一階段為建構20-40歲健康者之常模,並比較性別及年齡之差異、站姿與俯臥姿之差異以及健康組與下背痛組之差異,實際收案20-30歲男性10人,女性13人:31-40歲男性11人,女性11人。第二階段採類實驗法研究設計,針對慢性下背痛患者依運動意願分配至實驗組與控制組,實際完成本研究之個案共42人,實驗組22人,控制組20人。研究資料的收集過程為,第一階段收集20-40歲符合收案條件內之健康者,予以表面肌電圖測量其肌力值(用力持續時間、由靜止到最大用力時間、靜止肌力、用力時最大肌力和肌耐力)。第二階段收集20-40歲符合收案條件內之慢性下背痛患者,前測先收集病患之基本資料,並自行填答疼痛及失能量表,並以表面肌電圖測量其肌力值,實驗組接受八週的穩定運動訓練,控制組則未接受任何治療。穩定運動訓練四週後實驗組進行第二次肌力測試,以瞭解肌力改善成效,八週後實驗組與控制組再進行後測之疼痛、失能程度及肌力測試。 研究結果發現: 一、20-40歲健康者下背肌力為:用力持續時間方面為193.09-485.1秒,由靜止到最大肌力時間為0.12-0.72秒,靜止肌力方面為7.09-53.8uV,用力時最大肌力為65.14-241.5uV,肌耐力為2016.63-14520.2 uV。性別方面男性肌力高於女性,年齡方面20-30歲肌力優於31-40歲;在站姿與俯臥姿比較方面,站姿之用力持續時間、靜止肌力、用力時最大肌力和肌耐力顯著高於俯臥姿。 二、下背痛患者與健康者肌力比較方面,在用力持續時間和肌耐力上,健康組顯著高於下背痛組,由靜止到最大肌力時間健康組顯著低於下背痛組。 三、穩定運動對下背痛患者之肌力強化成效方面,在用力持續時間、用力時最大肌力和肌耐力,實驗組在部分肌肉之表現上顯著高於控制組,由靜止到最大肌力時間實驗組顯著低於控制組;在比較健康組、經八週運動訓練之下背痛實驗組和未經運動訓練之下背痛控制組織肌力,在用力持續時間和肌耐力,實驗組在大部分肌肉的表現上均顯著高於控制組,由靜止到最大肌力時間實驗組顯著低於控制組;實驗組在運動前、運動中和運動後肌力之改變,結果發現臀大肌在第四週則有顯著肌力改善,而第一、二和四、五腰椎旁肌肉要到第八週才能有顯著肌力的改善。 四、穩定運動訓練對下背痛患者疼痛及失能程度改善成效方面,實驗組和控制組在穩定運動訓練介入前,疼痛各項指標並無顯著差異,但經八週的穩定運動訓練後,實驗組在最痛度及平均疼痛度之改善程度顯著高於控制組。在失能程度方面實驗組在行走、站立及總分之改善程度顯著高於控制組。 本研究結果支持穩定運動可有效改善下背痛患者下背肌肌力,降低下背痛及改善失能程度,可提供醫護人員在照顧下背痛患者時,作為擬定預防保健及治療方案之參考。 關鍵字: 慢性下背痛、表面肌電圖、穩定運動訓練、肌力、疼痛、失能


The purpose of this study was to (1) explore the normal range of low back muscle strength among healthy people. (2) determine the difference of low back muscle strength between patients with low back pain and healthy people. (3) explore the effects of the stabilization exercise program on muscle strength, pain reduced, and disability improvement among patients with chronic low back pain. This study included two stages. During the first stage, forty-five healthy people, aged 20-40 years old, was recruited from a university. The EMG was used to measure subjects’ muscle strength to establish the normal range of low back muscle strength among healthy people. The difference in muscle strength, based on age, sex, and posture between healthy people and patients with low back pain was compared. During the second stage, a quasi-experimental design was used. Subjects who met the selection criteria were recruited and divided into an experimental group (n=22) or a control group (n=20). The experimental group received an 8-week stabilization exercise program. Two questionnaires were used to measure the level of pain and disability. The data collection was performed before and 8 weeks after the study started. To evaluate the effectiveness of the stabilization exercise program, the muscle strength was measured again after 4 weeks of exercise training in the experimental group again. The results of this study revealed that the range of low back muscle strength as bellow (1) Endurance time is 193.09 - 485.1 sec. (2) The onset time is 0.12 - 0.72 sec. (3) The static muscle strength is 7.09- 53.8 uV. (4) Maximal muscle strength is 65.14 - 241.5 uV. (5) Endurance of muscle strength is 2016.63 - 14520.2 uV. With respect to muscle strength, men, standing position, and people who are 20-30 years old were significantly better than women, prone position, and people who are 31-40 years old, respectively. Healthy people have better low back muscle strength than patients with low back pain. A significant improvement in muscle strength, pain, and disability level was observed in the experimental group. The findings of this study supported that the stabilization exercise program is a useful method in improving the low back muscle strength, reducing low back pain, and improving disability level for patients with low back pain. Key words Chronic low back pain, surface EMG stabilization exercise, muscle strength, pain, disability


參考資料 中文部分 王子娟(1993)˙脊椎穩定運動簡介˙中華民國物理治療學會雜誌,18(1),109-120。
陳威宏、謝松蒼(1999)˙ 肌電圖檢查之方法及臨床運用˙當代醫學,26(9),723-731。
