  • 學位論文


The investigation of the effect of the degree of work satisfaction with Work characteristics and Leadership behavior --one of the military depot maintenance base personnel

指導教授 : 張百棧博士


本研究旨在探討國軍基地修製人員的工作滿意現況,及其在不同個人背景變項與不同工作變項上的差異情形。 本研究係以調查研究法,以「國軍基地修製人員工作滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,共對270名志願役軍、士官及聘僱人員發放問卷,回收為251份,有效問卷237份。根據本研究的結果,可以歸納以下結論: 一、國軍基地修製人員工作滿意可由「主管領導」、「成就動機」及「福利制度」等三構面來說明,其中「主管領導」構面即可解釋變異量逾40%,再加上單因子變異數分析中,基地修製人員對於主管的領導決策能力感到滿意均達顯著水準,可見主管的領導魅力的確會帶動工作士氣,進而提升工作滿意。 二、領導行為可由各級的領導者率先充實自己本職學能,再加上身體力行,作為所屬的表率,下級人員即可遵循管理者步伐向前邁進,如此,修製任務必能順遂,亦可創造愉悅的工作環境,提升整體工作滿意。 三、在工作特性五大構面:工作回饋性、技能多樣性、業務自主性、工作完整性、工作重要性中,除技能多樣性相對於高工作滿意並無顯著性差異,其餘各構面均有顯著性差異,也就是說具備多項工作技能並不能大幅提升基地修製人員工作滿意程度,所以單位管理階層並不需要花非常多的時間來訓練修製人員多才多藝,僅需針對工作者本身需具備的專業技能加強訓練及輔導,使其成為一流的修製者,如此即能達成修護進度亦能維持基地修護品質,更能提升整體工作滿意程度。


The purpose of this research is to understand the degree of work satisfaction for military personnel who work at the military depot maintenance base and the effect on each individual with different background and different work environment. The research is designed by written questionnaire survey of “ the degree of satisfaction of military depot maintenance personnel. “ Respondents from 237 of 251 participants completed the survey, after given to 270 volunteer officers, NCOs and employees. There are the conclusions as following: 1. The degree of satisfaction for the military depot maintenance personnel’s is illustrated by “leadership”, “achievement motivator “, and “beneficial system”. The aspect of “ leadership” plays an important role because it effects over 40% variation of the satisfaction for the personnel. In addition, the one way ANOVA clearly shows there is an effect on the commander’s leadership capabilities. They inspire work spirit and therefore increase the degree of work satisfaction. 2. A leader must be the first to acquire the knowledge and experience for his own task and accomplish what he says he will do in order to become the people’s role model. Each individual will aim to follow the footsteps of the leader therefore accomplishing a maintenance task smoothly, create a positive work environment, and increases the overall work satisfaction. 3. There are five work aspects: skill variety, task identity, task significant, task autonomy, and task feedback. Other than skill variety which shows no significant effect, the rest of the 4 work characteristics have a significant effect towards each other. Therefore skill variety has no effect on the degree of work satisfaction. Because of this, the department leader should not spend much time training personnel on skill variety. Instead, more time should be spent on training for one task and becoming an expert. This would lead to improving the work progress, the product quality, and overall degree of work satisfaction.


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