  • 學位論文


Looking at Exploitation of the Works of Nature from a cultural intermediary angle

指導教授 : 莊雅州


本論文以潘吉星為宋應星所譯註的《天工開物》為底本,探討1637年宋應星所成書後的《天工開物》,出現於明代社會的意義為何。中國人重農,以務農的生活型態,出現於庶民的日常生活中,而明代的知識分子,除了追求《四書》、《五經》的要義,當社會正處於西方資本主義入侵於中國的時期,明代的社會風氣開始有了不一樣的氛圍,如探討實學的作品開始出現,也讓中國人不重視的工商業,開始有了受到重視的意義。而宋應星的《天工開物》除了代表實學領域的風氣發展,也是正式表現出中國的科技文化,所為學術思考帶來的踏實意義。   論述架構中,筆者以科學思想、技術製作、人文思考作為垂直支柱,而讓政治、經濟、文化三種面向,來作為論述主體的橫向連結。本論文以詩蘭姆(Schramm)的傳播模式、保羅‧杜‧蓋伊(Paul Du Gay)的文化迴路,來解釋宋應星的《天工開物》是一種文化符號的呈現,而宋應星所切入《天工開物》的角度、帶給社會的角度,是一種作為文化中介者所擁有的意識形態。   全文分為六章:第一章緒論,說明研究動機和目的、研究範圍、文獻回顧、研究方法;第二章《天工開物》的物理性記錄,把《天工開物》的產製內容劃分為天時、地脈、物性的原物料生產,作為物理性紀錄的主軸;第三章將中介者紀錄所面臨的環境,區分為出版、編排、文化迴路的形成,讓靜態訊息與動態資訊成為知識生產的基底;第四章以《天工開物》的信號,經由來源、製碼、流通、知識生產的概念,組成了人文特質的傳播模式;第五章是闡釋《天工開物》是一種文化符號的形成,透過原料、供應鏈、生產者與消費者、符號意義,讓文化資本與經濟市場,以庶民政治的動機來串聯起文化目的;第六章是將《天工開物》作為文化中介者的意義,去傳遞文化符號與社會生產的關係;第七章為結論,作為文化之所以傳播的意義為何。


This article is about Pan Jixing’s annotated translation of Song Yingxing’s book “Exploitation of the Works of Nature”. This book essentially discusses society at the end of the Ming Dynasty: the largely agricultural nature of society, the patterns of people’s daily lives, and the educated people. Society at the time was starting to be influenced by capitalism and various other ideas, whcih spurred greater learning. It also caused people to start valuing business opportunities. Song Yingxing’s book, apart from representing real learning and leadership development, is also an authoritative account of China’s technological culture and the value that people placed on learning.   In the reasoning construction, the author builds Scientific thinking, technical production and the consideration of humanities as the vertical pillars, and creates the three dimensions of politics、economics 、culture to be the horizontal connections of this article.   From the Wilbur L. Schramm's Model of Communication and Paul du Gay's the circuit of culture, we explain Song Yingxing's book “Exploitation of the Works of Nature”as a presentation of the culture's symbols, and Song Yingxing's research attitude about Exploitation of the Works of Nature, a social research attitude, is a ideology of cultural intermediary.   This article consists of six chapters: First chapter Introduction including research purpose, research limitation ,boundaries, Literature Review, methods; second chapter the physical records of “ Exploitation of the Works of Nature”, It’s contents classified weather climate (天時), geographical position(地脈),physical property(物性) relevant with Raw materials and production as the subjects of the physical records. Third chapter the environment of the intermediary, identifying the distinctions of publishing, organizing, the circuit of culture’s forming , let the static information and dynamic information as the base of the knowledge production. Fourth chapter with symbols of “ Exploitation of the Works of Nature”, we build the Model of Communication with humanistic perspective through the conception of origin, coding, communication, knowledge production. Fifth chapter demonstrates that Exploitation of the Works of Nature is the forming of culture’s symbols, the motivation of people politics connects the different culture’s goals through raw materials 、supply chain、producer and consumer 、symbol’s meaning on the culture capital and economic market. Sixth chapter uses the cultural intermediary of “Exploitation of the Works of Nature”to transfer the relationship between culture symbol and social production. Seventh chapter conclusion tells us why the culture is the communication.




