  • 學位論文

XBOX 體感遊戲與營養教育的介入對過重及肥胖青少女體重控制、體適能及心血管疾病危險因子的影響

Effect of XBOX active video game and nutritional education intervention on weight control, fitness and the cardiovascular disease risk factors in overweight and obese adolescent girls

指導教授 : 張文心


背景:肥胖已在全球蔓延,每年至少有 280 萬人死於過重或肥胖。除了增加身體活動與減少坐式生活外,體感遊戲也許對預防肥胖有額外的功能。 目的:探討體感遊戲與營養教育的介入,對過重及肥胖之高中女學生體重控制、體適能及心血管疾病危險因子的影響。 方法:本實驗採平行實驗設計,招募 39 位過重及肥胖 (BMI ≥ 22.7 – 32 kg/m2) 的女高中生,年齡為 15 - 18歲。受試者隨機分為營養教育組 (Diet)、體感遊戲組 (XBOX) 及兩者合併組 (XD),每組各 13 人。Diet 組接受五次專業營養師給予的飲食教育課程並每週填寫二日的 24 小時飲食回憶記錄表以評估其飲食行為;XBOX 組每週進行 XBOX ONE - Just Dance 2016 舞蹈遊戲三次,每次至少 60 分鐘;XD 組即綜合以上兩組實驗設計,以觀察其加成效果。於第 0, 5, 10 週測量所有受試者的體組成、體適能並採集空腹血液進行生化分析。 結果:Diet 組經十週飲食控制後,顯著改善其心肺適能 (800 公尺跑走)、敏捷性 (20 秒反覆側步) 及降低腰臀圍比;而血中三酸甘油酯 (TG) 濃度、肌力與肌耐力 (仰臥起坐)、舒張壓及脈搏在第五週有顯著改善。XBOX 組經十週運動遊戲介入後,顯著降低其血中總膽固醇 (TC)、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (LDL-C) 濃度、收縮壓、舒張壓、體重、BMI、體脂肪率及腰臀圍比,且顯著改善心肺適能、肌力與肌耐力、柔軟度 (坐姿體前彎) 及敏捷性。XD 組在血中 TC, HDL-C, LDL-C 濃度、體重、BMI 及腰臀圍比有顯著降低;且也顯著增加心肺適能及敏捷度。 結論:體感遊戲與營養教育的介入,可幫助過重及肥胖之女高中生改善體組成、降低血脂、增進心肺適能及幫助體重控制。對於「坐式生活」族群而言,體感遊戲可作為身體活動替代方案的參考。


Background: Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with at least 2.8 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. In addition to increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary lifestyle, active video game might have an additional effect on the prevention of obesity. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of active video game and/or nutritional education on weight control, fitness and the cardiovascular disease risk factors in overweight and obese among high school female students. Methods: This study was a parallel trial of 10-week period, 39 healthy, overweight or obese (BMI ≥ 22.7 – 32 kg/m2) subjects aged 15-18 y, were randomly assigned into three groups: the nutritional education group (Diet, n=13), the active video game group (XBOX, n=13) and combined group (XD, n=13). Diet group were provided five nutritional education classes and used 24-hour recalls to assess the dietary behaviors of food intake. XBOX group played XBOX ONE dancing exergaming (Just Dance 2016) 3 d/wk for at least 50 min. The potential combination effects were observed in XD group. Anthropometric measurements, fitness exams and fasting blood samples were measured at 0, 5 and 10 weeks. Results: In Diet group, there were significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness (800M walk/run), agility (20’ side-step) and decreases in waist-to-hip ratio after 10 weeks intervention. Blood triglyceride levels, diastolic blood pressure and pulse decreased significantly and muscular fitness (sit-ups) also improved significantly following 5 weeks of intervention. In XBOX group, total blood cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, body weight, BMI, body fat percentage and waist-to-hip ratio were significantly decreases after 10 weeks of dancing exergaming, and were significantly improved in cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility (sit and reach test) and agility. In XD group, there were significant decreases in the total blood cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, body weight, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and were significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness and agility. Conclusion: Active video game and diet control could improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness, decrease hyperlipidemia, and lead more weight loss in overweight or obese among high school female students. We suggest that active video game can be an effective technological tool for weight management and health promotion in sedentary group.


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