  • 學位論文


Measurements of Metal Fume Exposure for Workers in a Precision Parts Manufacturing Plant

指導教授 : 吳俊德


焊接是一種常見的工業製程,電焊金屬燻煙中含錳、鎳、鉻、鉛等毒性金屬成分。由於金屬燻煙所導致的健康危害,難以歸咎於單一金屬成分,因此描繪電焊作業勞工從金屬燻煙所遭受的毒性金屬成分,是暴露評估的重要工作。本研究執行電焊作業勞工尿液與空氣樣本暴露測定,評估金屬成分濃度在暴露測定結果的相關性,及描繪電焊作業勞工金屬成分暴露實態。本研究獲得7位電焊作業勞工的參與,他們的平均年齡為33歲、工作年資約10年。金屬燻煙暴露測定於一年內,每月測量一個工作天內暴露狀況,所收集樣本包括區域採樣、個人採樣與上下工尿液;另外,最後一個月內,連續採集5個工作天,電焊作業勞工上下工尿液與空氣樣本。以問卷調查紀錄工作管理狀況,且採集無電焊燻煙暴露的廠區行政人員與非廠區族群的尿液樣本,作為此研究的兩個控制組。所有採集樣本前處理後,分別以原子吸收光譜儀(Varian AAS 220FS, Australia)搭配石墨式或火焰原子化器(graphite or flame tube atomizer),進行金屬錳、鎳、鉻與鉛濃度測定。本研究共獲得電焊區33個空氣樣本、39個個人空氣暴露測定樣本、86個尿液樣本、及廠內行政區23個空氣樣本。作業環境空氣樣本的金屬錳、鎳、鉻與鉛平均分析濃度分別為:電焊A區是0.1865、0.0031、0.0070與0.0022mg/m3;B區是0.9293、0.0016、0.0038與0.0024 mg/m3,電焊作業勞工個人八小時時量平均金屬暴露濃度為:A區是0.0752、0.0032、0.0085與0.0032 mg/m3;B區是0.0687、0.0065、0.0100與0.0047 mg/m3。電焊區域的個人尿液與空氣樣本的金屬平均濃度皆高於行政區域。電焊作業勞工上工前尿液樣本之金屬錳、鎳、鉻與鉛平均濃度為56.78,13.49,40.94,372.92 ?慊/L,下工尿液樣金屬平均濃度為42.29,12.44,26.03和146.66 ?慊/L。電焊作業勞工上工尿液中金屬濃度皆高於下工後尿液樣本,且電焊作業勞工尿液樣本的金屬濃度皆高於兩組的控制組。勞工個人空氣暴露鉛和鎳濃度與上工前尿液樣本中鉛濃度呈顯著正相關(p值< 0.05)。勞工無論上工前或下工後尿液樣本中,鉛與錳、鎳、鉻皆呈顯著正相關(p值< 0.05);下工後尿液中錳與鎳、上工尿液鉛和空氣樣本的鎳呈顯著正相關(p值< 0.05)。連續5個工作天採集電焊勞工的尿液樣本,發現錳、鎳、鉻、鉛濃度在連續天是無差異的穩定狀態,而相較於過去一年內對勞工下工尿液測得的錳、鎳、鉻、鉛濃度則有明顯的變異。由於金屬在人體尿液檢體的半衰期仍不明確,尚須更多研究以提供正確半衰期,作為生物偵測暴露評估參考,如此將有助於描繪電焊作業勞工金屬燻煙暴露實態。


Welding is a common industrial process. Metal fume from welding operations contains potentially toxic metal compositions including chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), etc. Because of the difficulties of attributing health hazards caused by metal fume exposure to single agent, it is important to characterize the toxic metal compositions of metal fume exposure for welding workers. The objectives of this study were to characterize exposure profiles of metal components and to evaluate the correlations of metal components between urine and air samples for welding workers with metal fume exposure. Seven welding workers with average age 33 years old and 10 work years were recruited in the study. Two groups of people without welding fume exposure were selected as the control groups of this study. The metal fume exposure of the workers was measured in one workday of each month in one year. Also, campaign sampling was conducted in five consecutive workdays in the last month. Fixed-pointed air sampling at the work environment and personal breathing-zone sampling for the welding workers were conducted. Both urine samples of pre- and post-work shifts were collected from the workers on each exposure sampling day. Urine samples were collected for the control groups. A questionnaire was administered to record the work activities of the workers while the exposure sampling was performed. The masses of Mn, Ni, Cr, and Pb in the collected air and urine samples collected were measured by an atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a graphite furnace (Varian AAS 220FS, Australia). A total of 33 fixed-pointed samples, 39 personal breathing-zone samples, and 86 urine samples, 23 administration zone air samples of the welding factory were obtained. The average exposure concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cr, and Pb for the air samples taken at the welding area A of the factory were 0.1865, 0.0031, 0.007 and 0.0022 mg/m3;at the welding area B 0.9293, 0.0016, 0.0038 and 0.0024 mg/m3, respectively. The personal 8-hour time-weighted average exposure concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cr and Pb for the welding area A were 0.0752, 0.0032, 0.0085 and 0.0032 mg/m3;for the welding area B 0.0687, 0.0065, 0.0100 and 0.0047 mg/m3, respectively. The metal concentrations of the air samples taken at the welding areas were significantly higher than those of the air samples taken at administration work areas. The average concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cr, and Pb for the pre-work shift urine samples were 56.78, 13.49, 40.94 and 372.92 ?慊/L; and for the post-work shift urine samples 42.29, 12.44, 26.03 and 146.66 ?慊/L, respectively. The metal concentrations of the pre-work shift urine samples were higher than those of the post-work shift urine samples. The metal concentrations of the urine samples of the welding workers were higher than those of both control groups. The concentrations of Pb in the pre-work shift urine samples were significantly correlated with those of Pb and Ni in the personal air exposure samples (p-value < 0.05). For the urine samples of both pre- and post-work shifts, the concentration of Pb had a significantly positive correlation with those of Mn, Ni and Cr (p-value < 0.05). The concentrations of Mn and Ni in the post-work shift urine samples were significantly positively correlated (p-value < 0.05). The concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cr and Pb measured from the urine samples taken in five consecutive work days were quite stable in the short-term period. In comparison with the concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cr and Pb measured from the urine samples collected in one year, significant variation was observed in the long-term period. Because the half-lives of the metals measured in the urine samples were still not ascertained, more studies on the half-lives of the metals will be necessary. The confirmed half-lives will provide useful information of using biological monitoring methods for the characterization of the exposure profile of the metal fume for the welding workers.


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