  • 學位論文

受刑人生活資源對教化處遇成效之影響 -以台南監獄為例

The Impact of Inmates Living Resource on the Effectiveness of Correctional Education -Case Study of Tainan Prison

指導教授 : 林財源 王正華


摘 要 教化是矯正機構的核心工作,其成效與否攸關矯正工作之成敗,法務部認為監獄處遇措施能否順利推行、教化功能能否彰顯,可從幾個面向觀察,包括矯正機構是否健全並善用矯治方法、受刑人自發性配合各項處遇措施、管教人員的投入、以及其家屬的支持、社會大眾的接納。 本研究透過文獻回顧,參考過去受刑人在監之適應、社會支持、監獄內互動、以及影響監獄教化處遇成效之相關研究,確認研究變數與研究架構,配合本研究目的,分析相關變數間的關係提出研究假說,並以問卷調查方式針對臺灣台南監獄受刑人發出問卷405份(回收有效問卷400份,回收率98.76%),管教人員、志工發出問卷155份(回收有效問卷120份,回收率77.733%);透過敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、相關分析及典型相關分析等統計方法,進行資料分析與驗證。經實證研究後,得到的主要結論如下: 1、在監適應、社會支持、監內互動與生活資源有顯著相關。 2、生活資源與教化處遇成效有顯著相關。 3、教化處遇成效與一般教誨、宗教教誨、調查作業與衛生醫療及戒護管理等處遇(軟體)、環境空間設施(硬體)有顯著相關。 4、在監適應、社會支持、監內互動透過生活資源與教化處遇成效典型模式,與一般教誨、宗教教誨、調查作業與衛生醫療及戒護管理等處遇(軟體)、環境空間設施(硬體)有顯著相關。 最後就本研究之結論與管理意涵作深入探討,並呈現具體之研究貢獻與實務建議,以供學術界與實務界參酌。 關鍵字:生活資源、教化處遇成效、在監適應、社會支持、監內互動、一般教誨、宗教教誨、調查作業。


Abstract Correctional Education is the core task of correctional institutions and the effectiveness will determine the success or the failure of the corrective task. According to the Ministry of Justice, there are several dimensions that the implementation of the prison’s corrective measures and the demonstration of the correctional education function can be observed, which includes the completeness of the correctional institution and use of treatment methods, inmates spontaneously cooperate with all the corrective measures, the input of the correctional staff, the support from their family and the acceptance of the public. Through literature review, this paper referenced studies that are relevant to how inmates adapt to prison life, social support, interaction in prison and the impact on the effectiveness of the prison’s correctional education. The research hypothesis is proposed with the recognition of the research variables and the research structure that coordinate with the research purpose and analysis of the relationship between relevant variables. The research method was carried out by distributing 405 copies of questionnaires to inmates in the Tainan Prison and 400 copies are successfully recollected with a recover rate of 98.76%, 155 copies were distributed to correctional staff and volunteers and 120 copies are successfully recollected with a recover rate of 77.733%. This paper used statistic methods such as descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, and canonical correlation analysis to analysis and verification of the data. The empirical study reached the conclusion is as follows: 1、There is a significant correlation between prison adaption, social support, interaction in the prison, and living resources. 2、There is a significant correlation between living resource and the effectiveness of correctional education. 3、There is a significant correlation between effectiveness of correctional education and correctives (software) like general teaching, religion teaching, investigation work, health care, guardian management and environmental space facilities (hardware). 4、Through living resource and correctional education effect model, there is a significant correlation between prison adaption, social support, interaction in the prison, and correctives (software) like general teaching, religion teaching, investigation work, health care, and guardian management and environmental space facilities (hardware). The conclusion of this study discusses the managerial implications in depth and presents a detailed research contribution and practical suggestions for academic research and practitioners. Key Words :Living resource, effectiveness of correctional education, prison adaption, social support, interaction in prison, general teaching, religion teaching, investigation work.


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