  • 學位論文


On the Exploration of Digital Learning Usage Intentions of College Teachers

指導教授 : 王献章


隨著資訊科技和網際網路的快速發展,引領我們進入一個新的知識經濟時代,網路數位學習已成為人們不可或缺的角色,而校園的遠距教學系統亦一步步地崛起。為了讓遠距教學的推廣更加有效,本研究試圖瞭解教師的心態,提出一個能夠有效解釋遠距教學平台的使用者的使用意願模式,以提供相關研究人員參考。 本研究以實證過的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM)為基礎,加上數位平台系統內的介面設計和功能性以及資訊素養、教師背景與組織支援為外部因素,來建立新的架構模式,希望可以藉此瞭解教師們對於遠距教學平台的使用接受程度。本研究的問卷針對全國大專院校的教師對於使用遠距教學平台的意願進行調查,問卷採網路問卷且以隨機抽樣的方式發放,先隨機抽取學校,再利用電子郵件的方式請教師們填寫,資料回收分析後利用 SPSS統計軟體和結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM),藉著分析『信度』和『效度』以及『因素分析』和『路徑分析』來驗證假說是否成立並藉此了解影響教師使用遠距教學平台的正向因素。 結構方程模式分析該模式適配度後顯示,科技接受模式其路徑皆達顯著水準,且該模式適配度大多為良好。研究結果發現,在網站的系統品質內的功能性和介面設計僅對認知易用性有顯著影響,而學校組織支援對有用性和易用性皆有顯著影響,而在資訊素養與教師背景的部分僅會對認知有用性有影響。本研究亦發現為提升教師使用遠距教學的意願,學校可以提供適當的協助,像是提供助理幫教師處理電腦方面的問題或是安排教師受教育訓練。


With the rapid development of Internet and information technology, we are entering a new era of knowledge economy. Net-based learning has become an indispensable tool, and the distance learning system on campus has risen gradually. In order to promote distance learning more effectively, this study attempts to reveal the mentality of teachers, and proposes a willing-of-usage model as a reference for related researchers. Based on the verified TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) model, this study proposed a new model which considers the interface design, the functionality, information literacy, teacher background and organizational support as the external factors. In this study, questionnaires for college teachers around the country are collected on the Internet to understand the will of using distance learning. The data is analyzed using the SPSS and the method of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). Both reliability and validity are analyzed, and the methodology of factor analysis and path analysis is used to verify the hypothesis and to understand the positive factors that affect the usage of distance learning platform. Structural Equation Models analysis revealed that the paths of the TAM model achieve the significant level, and degree of the model fitness was mostly good. The results showed that the system functionality and interface design only significant affect the degree of ease of use; the organizational support in schools affects the usefulness and ease of use; the information literacy and teacher background only affects usefulness. This study also found that in order to promote the willing of distance learning platform usage, it would be useful if school support such as teaching assistant and career training can be provided.


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