  • 學位論文


The Phonology of Nantong Dialect

指導教授 : 張光宇


本論文探討南通方言的音韻發展與音韻行為,討論主要是透過通泰方言的共時比較進行的。方言間共時音韻表現的蘊含關係,透露文獻所未記載的歷時發展過程。關於音韻行為發展,本文主要的發現有:1. 南通的疑、泥、來母相混發生在細音之前;2. 鼻音聲母最易使後高元音u低化,其中m-又比n-容易;3. 通泰方言u擦化為v首先發生在前中元音之前,其次是u韻本身,最後u在閉音節的後低元音前擦化;4. 細音i比y更易保持尖團之別;5. 細音i比y容易造成t/th的顎化;6. ly-的組合在開音節比在閉音節當中容易獲得保存,而在閉音節中,南通的例子是ly-在鼻音尾前比在喉塞尾前更易獲得保留。此外,文中亦嘗試對南通日母的發展、滋嘶音與撮口介音的組合及元音鏈動提出說法。


This thesis deals with the phonological behavior and developments of the Nantong dialect, which belongs to the Tongtai group of Jianghuai Mandarin. Logical entailment, when applied to dialect comparison, can lead to discoveries of the gradual spread of particular sound changes lost in history. Mainly through this discovery process, the following phonological phenomena can be noted in Nantong or Tongtai: 1. The partial merger of *ng-, *n-, *l- occurred before high front vowels in Nantong; 2. Of all the consonant initials, nasal consonants are most likely (m- being more likely than n-) to lower the following high back vowel u; 3. In terms of phonological condition, the syllable initial u becomes the voiced fricative v in the following order: first in front of mid front vowels, then u# itself becoming vu#, finally in front of the low back vowel a in closed syllable while ua# remains unaffected; 4. -i is more likely than -y to maintain the difference between ts- and tc-; 5. -i is more likely than -y to palatalize t and th; 6. The combination of l- and -y- is most stable in open syllable, while in closed syllable a following glottal stop is a more likely environment than a nasal final for ly- to become li-. This thesis also attempts to provide explanation for the sound changes of the Ri initial, the origin of the categorical combination of tc- and -y- at the expense of ts- and -u-, and the probable vowel shift schwa > open e > a > o in Nantong.


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