  • 學位論文


Echo Vowels in Budai Rukai

指導教授 : 黃慧娟


本文旨在利用當代主流音韻理論—優選理論來分析魯凱霧台方言的迴聲元音現象。迴聲元音是一種元音加插的音韻現象,其特殊之處在於加插的元音,其音質是由鄰近的元音所決定。本文的研究結果顯示,魯凱霧台方言底層形式中,存在著CVC的音節形式,但由於輔音音段(除滑音之外)在表層形式中無法置於韻尾位置的要求,故迴聲元音必須在表層加插於韻尾位置的輔音後面。 此外,本論文更進一步地解釋魯凱霧台方言迴聲元音的兩個特殊現象:(i)就加插形式而言,迴聲元音皆會相同於前面音節元音的音質,唯一的例外是當前面音節的元音為/a/時,迴聲元音反而選擇/ə/作為迴聲元音;(ii)迴聲元音在重音指派的過程中並不能被納入韻步當中。 針對加插形式的理論分析,經跨語言迴聲元音加插形式的比較論證,本文認為迴聲元音加插現象是在語言內部音韻機制與感知的交互作用下形成,故分析上本論文使用Uffmann (2001, 2004, 2006)的自主音段制約和Steriade (2008)的感知對照理論來解釋此現象。首先,自主音段制約解釋魯凱霧台方言內部的音韻機制決定使用元音和諧的策略來加插元音,並在/a/元音不能進行元音和諧的動作時,轉而選擇預設元音加插策略之過程。再者,感知對照理論說明魯凱霧台方言在使用預設元音加插策略時,如何受到感知的影響而選擇/ə/作為預設加插元音。 針對迴聲元音不能被納入韻步的部分,本論文在優選理論分析上運用了Alderete (1999)所提出的HEADDEP(即任何加插元音不能存在於韻步之中的制約)以後,便能順利地預測出有迴聲元音之詞彙的重音落點、滑音形成、長元音的存在與否等與重音指派相關之現象。


魯凱語 迴聲元音 優選理論


This thesis investigates echo vowels in Budai Rukai (an Austronesian language spoken in Taiwan) from an Optimality Theory perspective. An echo vowel is an epenthetic element which is identical to the vowel in the preceding syllable. In my observation, Budai Rukai has CVC in underlying forms. However, due to the prohibition that consonants can not appear in the coda position in surface form, an echo vowel must be inserted after the final coda consonant of a word. Two phenomena of echo vowels are discussed in this study: (i) in terms of form, an echo vowel is in general the same as the vowel in the preceding syllable. However, when the vowel in the preceding syllable is /a/, the echo vowel becomes /ə/; (ii) echo vowels can not be parsed in foot. Through a cross-linguistic comparison of echo vowels, this thesis assumes that echo epenthesis is formed by the interaction between phonological system and perception. So this thesis follows the framework of autosegmental constraints (Uffmann 2001, 2004, 2006) and P-map (Steriade 2008) to explain the behavior of echo vowels. First, the autosegmental constraints explain that the phonological system of Budai Rukai uses the vowel harmony strategy to insert echo vowels. However, when the preceding vowel is /a/, it will switch to the default vowel insertion strategy. Second, P-map explains that perception might play a role in the choice of the default vowel /ə/ when Budai Rukai using the default vowel insertion strategy. As for the phenomenon that echo vowels can not be parsed in foot, we can assume the constraint HEADDEP (i.e. any insertion vowel can not exist in foot) to predict the right form of stress assignment, glide formation, and whether long vowels are independent phonemes in words that have echo vowels.


Rukai Echo vowel Optimality Theory


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