  • 學位論文

新商業計畫: 新世代托嬰中心

New Business Idea: New Generation Daycare Center

指導教授 : 史欽泰


台灣普遍薪資不高,因此許多家庭夫妻皆需上班,擁有雙薪來維持生計。而如果家裡有嬰幼兒,且沒有家人同住,父母選擇嬰幼兒照顧不外乎是請保母或是送進托嬰中心。然而,不管選擇哪一種管道照顧寶寶都有一個規定時間必須來接回寶寶,使在職父母,尤其是母親,因為孩子的接送時間和照料問題,而在工作上需做調整。尤其是主管階級,肩負更多工作與責任,會因為孩子的照顧問題而無法在工作職場上全力發揮.在這種情況下,其中一方將不得不為了孩子而放棄自己的工作,生活將因為孩子的誕生而無法達到工作生活平衡(work-balance)的狀態。另外,歐美國家學者強調0~2歲的學習,對於孩童腦力發展有極大的幫助;然而,目前台灣教育市場有正統規劃幼兒教育則是從三歲才開始。 本研究旨在以台灣教育市場之托嬰中心為範圍,探討新商業模式: 平價托嬰中心提供嬰幼兒腦力成長計畫的可行性,期盼可以透過此新商業模式來改善現有托嬰中心的普遍問題,讓年輕父母達到工作與生活平衡的狀態。本研究主要以文獻探討與個案訪談的方式進行,研究流程首先整理相關文獻,包括嬰幼兒教育 (infant education)定義以及台灣托嬰中心的營運風格和母親們需求之理論,接著以問卷方式蒐集家長對於托嬰中心的問題與看法,與文獻探討的理論部分相結合,架構出本研究的訪談問題與內容。再以個案訪談的方式,訪談使用托嬰中心的母親們與非使用托嬰中心的母親們並使用SWOT與STP擬出商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)企畫書初稿。 最後再以與企業高層主管與母親分析商業模式與修正得到最後的結論與建議。


Median salary in Taiwan is generally lower than many other parts of the world, which has resulted in growing number of double-income families. Furthermore, not only the daycare centers and kindergartens in Taiwan are costly, but parents’ schedules are often constrained by the fixed hours of services provided by nanny and daycare centers. This makes it difficult for working parents, especially the mother, to stay competitive in the career and even harder to reach work-life balance if they are already in the managerial or senior positions. This is the primary reason why some couples have disregarded the idea of having babies. Furthermore, the United States and Europe have emphasized that infants in their 0-2 years are most receptive to infant education. Yet, here in Taiwan, most daycare centers do not have curriculum for infant development until they reach their third year as they enroll into kindergarten. This study is targeted to investigate the feasibility of the new generation daycare centers- providing an affordable price for infant education curriculum. The idea is to offer great flexibility in day care terms such as payment term and caring hour delicate to the busy parents. This study comprises literature review, market research, face-to-face interview, and composition of a business plan. Total of seventy online surveys, three face-to-face interviews with mothers who use daycare services as well as non-users were conducted as part of the market survey. Subsequently, the first business plan was put together from the business canvas model incorporated by a set of comprehensive STP and SWOT analyses. Finally, a second round of interview with respective candidates was conducted to obtain further suggestions and conclusion for the business plan.


2.Berk, Laura E. "INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND ADOLESCENTS, 7/e." Diss. 2011.Web.
3.Daniel, J. & Shapiro, J. (1996). Infant transitions: Home to center-based child care. Child and Youth Care Forum,Vol.25(2),111-123.
4.Duro, R.B. "Winning the Marketing War". John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
8."Importance of Early Childhood Development
