  • 學位論文


A study of obstacle in Online Collaborative learning

指導教授 : 蔡義昌 劉士豪


由於網際網路的盛行,許多的教學不再是局限傳統的學校教學,除了學習者實際上課的教室外,亦可以透過網路來學習。科技的發展改變了學習者學習及教師教學的方式,新的教學科技就必須要能配合新的教學方法。然而,不管採用何種的教學方式,皆會產生學習適應不良的學習者,尤其是再加上網路這個不確定性的環境。因為在線上合作學習中,由於教師無法像在傳統的教室中透過傳統指標性資訊(如:上課出席率、對課堂參與度、作業繳交及考試成績等)做為成績的評量以及找出學習障礙之學習者。教師亦只能透過系統功能即時地紀錄下龐大的學習者歷程紀錄。藉由這些學習者歷程記錄,做為教師評量學習者績效與區別出有學習障礙學習者之依據。 研究過程中,首先將學習者歷程記錄經本研究提出三階段資訊分析模式,過濾、篩選出有意義之歷程記錄,以建立學習者與團隊之學習歷程資料庫。其次,藉由學習者歷程資訊庫中,發掘可衡量學習者的互動指標,據以找出有學習障礙之學習者。最後,對其進行深入訪談來了解造成學習障礙之因素。 本研究透過線上合作學習課程的資料蒐集,建立學習者與團隊之學習歷程資料庫,經由三階段資訊分析及深入訪談後,透過綜合分析獲得如下之命題: 1、由早期互動指標中的「作業繳交排名」、「瀏覽次數排名」、「文件上傳排名」、「被瀏覽次數排名」、「發表次數排名」可發現學生是否具有資訊素養之障礙。 2、由早期與中期互動指標中的「瀏覽次數排名」、「被瀏覽次數排名」、「發表次數排名」可發現學生是否具有對角色認同之障礙。 3、由早期與中期互動指標中的「作業繳交排名」、「瀏覽次數排名」、「上傳次數排名」、「回應次數排名」、「發表次數排名」可發現學生是否對網站資訊豐富產生障礙。 4、藉由大多數的互動指標可有效地區隔出受經濟考量產生障礙之學生。


Because of the booming of Internet, teaching is no longer a traditional school instruction. Besides conventional classroom instruction, it is also a good way to learn through Internet. The development of technology changes learning ways and teaching styles, and new technologies should adapt themselves to the new teaching methods. However, no matter whichever teaching styles are adopted, there are always to yield learners that cannot accommodate them, especially in such uncertain environment, Internet. When situated in an on-line collaboration learning environment, teachers could not utilize traditional index information (e.g. attendance rate, participation degree, assignment, and test scores etc.) for achievement measuring and find out learners who have learning obstacles. They can only keep track huge learners’ learning history records promptly through system functions, and exploit such records to be the basis for evaluating learners’ performance and differentiating learners who have learning obstacles. Through this research, we first proposed a three-stage information analysis mode and filtered meaningful learners’ learning history records for generating learning history database for learners and teams. Next, we explore measurable learners’ interaction indexes from history information database and find out learners who have learning obstacles. Finally, through some qualitative interviews and the above database, we recognize some critical factors that cause learning obstacles and obtain propositions as follow: 1. From early interaction index such as “ranking of assignment hand in”, “ranking of browsing times”, “ranking of document upload”, “ranking of times to be browsed”, and “ranking of publishing times”, we can find out whether students have obstacles of information accomplishment or not. 2. From early and middle interaction indexes such as “ranking of browsing times”, “ranking of times to be browsed”, and “ranking of publishing times”, we can find out whether students have obstacles of role identification or not. 3. From early and middle interaction indexes such as “ranking of assignment hand in”, “ranking of browsing times”, “ranking of document upload”, “ranking of response times”, and “ranking of publishing times”, we can detect whether students have obstacles to the information richness of web sites or not. 4. Through most parts of interaction indexes, we can effectively differentiate students that have obstacles due to economic considerations.


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