  • 學位論文


The Correlation Study on Characteristics of ESOP, Employee Profit Sharing Satisfactions, and Organizational Performance —Semiconductor Assembly & Testing Industry as Examples

指導教授 : 諸承明 博士


摘要 近年來,員工分紅入股制度是各國企業普遍採行的激勵性薪酬,特別在台灣的高科技產業中,為了吸引或留住高素質人才紛紛引進員工分紅入股制度。有鑑於國內半導體廠商已將員工分紅入股當作獎酬的主要工具,但此制度是否能達成激勵性薪酬的目的,令人產生好奇。 由於先前學者研究並沒有將實施員工分紅入股滿意度與組織績效的影響納入研究,因此本研究以半導體封裝測試業為例,將員工分紅入股制度對組織績效的影響納入探討範圍,希冀能有助於企業在實務運作上參考。 本研究主要探討分紅入股制度滿意度與組織績效之關係,除了進行完整的文獻探討之外,亦採用問卷發放的方式蒐集三十九家半導體封裝測試業企業員工對於分紅入股制度之調查問卷111份。 研究結果顯示,企業實施員工分紅入股制度之滿意度確實會對組織績效產生影響;此外,分紅入股制度特徵及人口統計變項等也會對員工分紅入股滿意度產生影響。以下將各項研究發現詳細敘述: 一、多數半導體封裝測試廠商於規劃「員工認股權憑證」與「股票紅利」制度時,「績效」是計算數量標準中佔比重最高的項目,由此可知,絕大多數企業已建立使用員工績效表現為基準來設計薪酬制度。 二、本研究經實證後發現,以營業額對於計算數量標準中之「年資」一項達到顯著水準,不論是員工認股權憑證制度還是股票紅利制度均顯示,營業額愈高的企業對於使用「年資」作為計算員工分紅入股數量的發放依據比重會愈低,相對地以「職位/職等」為發放依據的比重逐漸增加。顯示營業額愈高的組織,其愈重視員工對企業營運創造的附加價值而非員工在公司的年資。 三、整體而言可以看出,員工擁有配發的股票數量、及目前公司股價與分紅入股時股價的差距是影響員工對分紅入股滿意度的主要因素。所以企業在規劃分紅入股制度時,提撥分紅比例愈高、計算數量時績效項目比例佔的愈重及股票轉售後的獲利空間愈大,員工對分紅入股的滿足程度亦會愈高。


Abstract In order to attract and retain high quality talents effectively within the company, the employee profit sharing is the most popular incentive compensation tool used by each company recently, especially in Taiwan’s High-Tech industry. Base on this high usage of our Taiwan Semiconductor company, I am curious about its achievable and effective of this profit sharing. Since discovered that previous investigation didn’t emphasize on the correlation study between the employee profit sharing satisfactions and organizational performance, this study takes Taiwan Semiconductor Assembly/Testing industry as examples, to find out the organizational performance variation influenced by employee profit sharing satisfactions, and wish to give some recommendations to company for strategy formulation as reference. This study mainly investigates the relationship between employee profit sharing satisfactions and organizational performance. Except the thorough reference check, this study also uses the questionnaire investigation to gather back 111 effective questionnaires from 39 companies within the Semiconductor Assembly/Testing industry. The study result shows that the satisfactions from the company which accomplish the employee profit sharing have the effect to their organizational performance, in addition, the characteristic and human statistic variable of the employee profit sharing also effect the employee profit sharing satisfactions.


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陳致全(2005)。員工分紅入股、管理型態及經理人持股 對公司績效之影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500683
