  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Satisfaction of Space Image and Repurchase Intention of the Miniature Hotel:An Example of Inn Cube

指導教授 : 劉時泳


微型旅館為一新型態之旅館空間,鎖定背包客與年輕或低價位需求之族群,但這樣的空間設計是否能準確吸引到目標客群且獲得認可值得探討。本研究以調查空間印象之滿意度與再宿意願研究目標,並探討個人屬性與兩者之連結,企圖分析其定位與空間因素。本研究以其空間體驗者為對象發放問卷進行測試,並將回收之185份問卷經由SPSS進行統計分析。統計結果顯示,旅館之消費者性別分布平均且多為 21~30歲,多為台灣與中國的旅客,教育程度為大專院校,月收入在 49999元以下,職業分布較平均,且多為自行前往。經過因素分析後將設計及氛圍因素萃取出四個因子,將四個因子進行滿意度探討,發現「入口動線設計與質感」滿意度最高,而「衛浴空間氛圍與機能」滿意度最低,再宿意願部份皆為偏高。而將個人屬性變項做差異性分析結果顯示,月收入在「29999元以下」者對「衛浴空間」因素之滿意度顯著高於「30000元以上」組,且國籍為「中國」者滿意度顯著高於「香港」者。在「公共空間」因素中教育程度為「高中職」者滿意度顯著高於「大專院校」者。而在「忠誠度」方面國籍為「台灣」者顯著高於國籍為「香港」者。將空間因子與再宿意願進行相關分析後,結果顯示旅館之構成因素皆密切相關,且對於消費者之再宿意願具有高度的影響力。以空間印象滿意度進行回歸分析得知,「客房空間」、「衛浴空間」與「公共空間」三因素可預測再宿意願54.2%之變異量,其中「客房空間」因素可預測54.2%的變異量,可知空間印象滿意度對於受測者之再宿意願有相當之影響力,也顯示了空間印象的重要程度,更顯現了客房空間設計的重要性。


Miniature hotel is a new type hotel which aims to provide service for backpackers, young people and people with low price demand. However, whether space design like this can accurately attract target consumers and receive recognition is worth exploring. This study takes satisfaction and repurchase intention of investigated space impression as research goal to explore the connection between individual property and the above mentioned two factors and attempt to analyze its location and space factor. This study takes space experiencer as research subject and conducts first phase test by questionnaire, the collected 185 questionnaires are statistically analyzed by SPSS. The result shows that the hotels consumers’ gender distribution is mostly from 21 to 30 on average, most of whom are Chinese and Taiwanese tourists, whose education background are universities and colleges, mouth income is below 49999 NTD, the vocational distribution is relatively average, most of whom are on their own trip. After factor analysis, four factors are extracted from design and atmosphere factors, to conduct satisfaction exploration on four factors, it is found that entrance trace design and texture has the highest satisfaction, while bathroom space atmosphere and function gets the lowest, both of them get rather high in repurchase intention. However, to conduct difference analysis on individual property variable, the result shows that, the people whose month income is below 29999 NTD has higher satisfaction than those whose month income is above 30000 NTD, and people whose nationality is China has higher satisfaction than those who comes from Hong Kong. In public space factor, people whose education background is general and vocational high school is higher than those whose education background is universities and colleges. In the aspect of repurchase intention, people who comes from Taiwan is higher than those who comes from Hong Kong. To conduct correlation analysis on space factor and repurchase intention, it is found that the component factors of hotel are closely correlated and have strong influence on the repurchase intention of consumers. To conduct regression analysis on space impression satisfaction, guest room space, bathroom space and public space can predict 54.2 of variance in repurchase intention, among which guest room space can predict 54.2 of variance, it can be found that space impression satisfaction has considerable influence on the repurchase intention of subjects, which shows the importance of space impression and guest room space design.


Miniature Hotels Space Image Satisfaction Loyalty


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李清珍(2004),觀光飯店空間印象、消費偏好與忠誠度關係之研究 – 以花蓮統帥飯店為例,中原大學室內設計研究所碩士論文。


