  • 學位論文


A study on legibility of the pictogram of the medicine bags for the elderly

指導教授 : 黃文宗


摘 要 研究主要目的-- 1.蒐集目前國內外醫院使用藥袋圖像符號與文字,以了解藥袋使用之現況。 2.了解高齡者對於藥袋圖像標示的辨識度與影響的相關因子。 方法--首先著手調查國內醫療院所使用藥袋,歸納現行藥袋上的圖像符號現況。接著根據文獻將醫療用語分成9組之後,請11位醫護專家法找出最常使用的臨床醫藥用語,然後邀請9位65歲以上老人進入焦點團體,得到最能代表每項醫療用語的圖像符號。年長者對於圖像辨識度的了解,則分別在北中南邀請年長者參與,共設計兩份有關於理解測試(Comprehension Test)與匹配度測式問卷(matching test),受測對象年齡為65歲以上年長者,共計268人,其中143人進行圖像辨識度分析,125人進行圖像混淆矩陣分析。 統計方法--描述性的資料與生理特徵,以平均值與標準差表示,各組間的差異以變異數分析、t-test與卡方檢定方法,檢定不同組間的差異。分析圖像辨識率得分高低的影響因素,則以單變項與多變項線性迴歸分析方法分析。本研究將以SPSS套裝軟體進行分析,統計差異顯著水準(p value)為5%。 結果--11位專家挑選出37項最常使用的醫療用語,並請9位老人共同決定那些圖最能代表這些醫療用語。圖像辨識度接近滿分的圖像有「注射」。辨識率低的圖像有「隨餐」辨識率56.67%、「想睡」辨識率46.67%、「請勿損壞藥片或膠囊」辨識率53.33%、「請勿與他人分享藥物」辨識率23.33%、「飯後服藥」辨識率60%、「高血壓」辨識率56.67%和飯前服藥」辨識率30%。混淆矩陣中,容易產生混淆的圖像有「杯水服用」辨識率42.4%、「飯後服藥」辨識率35.2%和飯前服藥」辨識率31.2%。利用迴歸分析得到影響辨識度的主要因素有教育水平與年齡,以不識字的族群為參考基準,國小的會比不識字的多15.74分(95%信賴區間9.51~21.96),國高中會比不識字的多23.5分(95%信賴區間16.93-30.07),大專院校的則多29.77分(95%信賴區間22.41-37.14)。年齡每增加一歲,辨識率會降低0.35分(95%信賴區間-5.88~-0.11)。 結論-- 1.國內醫療院所藥袋上圖案標示並未普及 2.影響圖像辨識率的主要因素是教育水平與年齡 3.圖像的設計構成,呈現以單一物件圖像為原則


高齡者 醫藥袋 圖像符號


Abstract OBJECTIVE --The purposes of this study are 1.To collect pictograms on the medicine bag from Taiwan and foreign hospitals in order to understand the current situation of the use of medicine bag. 2.To explore associated factors with recognition of pictograms on the medicine bag for elderly. METHOD--First, I collect pictograms on the medicine bag from Taiwan and foreign hospitals and then classify them into 9 categories according to references. Eleven medical experts were invited to participate in this study for selecting the most common use terms in clinical practice. Focus group consisted of nine persons aged 65 years and above were established for choosing the most representative pictograms of each medical terms, selected by medical experts. For comprehension test and matching test of pictograms, a total of 268 individuals, including 143 for analyzing recognition of pictograms and 125 for confusion matrix analyses, were invited to participate in this study from northern, central and southern areas of Taiwan. STATISTICs--Descriptive data will be described as means and SDs for continuous variables, and t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Chi-square tests were used for assessing the significances. Univariable and multivariable linear regressions were used for exploring associated factors with the recognition of the pictogram on medicine bag. A p-value below 0.05 was considered significant. The statistical analyses were performed with SPSS statistical Package. RESUTS-- 35 most commonly used terms by 11 experts selected and 35 pictograms were selected by focus group. The highest recognition of pictograms is “ Injection” (recognition rate 100%). About a half of hospital didn’t use pictogram on medicine bag. The lower recognition of pictograms were as following: “taking medicine with meal” recognition rate 56.67%、「want to sleep」recognition rate46.67%、”don’t destroy tablets or capsules” recognition rate 53.33%、”don’t share medicine with others” recognition rate 23.33%、”take medicine after meal” recognition rate 60%、”hypertension” recognition rate 56.67% and “taking medicine before meal” recognition rate 30%。The lower recognition of pictograms in confusion matrix analyses as following:「taking medicine with a cup of water” recognition rate 42.4%、”take medicine after meal” recognition rate 35.2% and “taking medicine before meal” recognition rate 31.2%. Age and education level were significantly associated with recognition of pictogram by linear regression analyses. Each a year older, 0.35 score of recognition was drop. Using illiterate as a referent group, elementary school had higher 15.17 points (95% confidence interval, 95% CI, 9.51~21.96) than illiterate, junior high school and high school had higher 23.5 points (95% CI, 16.93-30.07) and college and university had higher 29.77 points (95% CI, 22.41-37.14). CONCLUSION-- 1.Pictogram on medicine is not popular in Taiwan. 2.The associated factors with recognition of pictogram are age and education level. 3.Pictogram design should be simple according this study.


elderly medicine bag pictogram


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