  • 學位論文


Effects of Wayfinding Performance with Different Types of Navigation System

指導教授 : 林久翔


根據市場研究機構的調查,汽車電子市場產值的年複合成長率與汽車搭載汽車電子的比例,呈現爆炸性成長。面對其中蓬勃發展的車用導航系統,不同國家有不同的考量觀點與因應對策。再從台灣汽車電子市場上來看,較為大眾所使用與普及的導航系統,所使用的視覺式導航介面的發展方向正由2D介面擴展至3D介面。 因此本研究利用虛擬實境,比較不同維度與資訊量下導航系統類型的使用,探討駕駛者在一陌生環境行駛時對距離、時間及速度三種尋路績效的影響;藉由主觀評量表的輔助,進行好用度評量。同時也進行事後族群分析,了解不同族群其尋路績效與導航系統的使用評估上是否有差異。 結果發現,維度對於尋路績效有顯著的影響,維度及資訊量在好用度評量上也有顯著差異。2D且低資訊量系統尋路績效最好、評價最高;3D—15°且高資訊量系統尋路績效最差、評價最低。「性別」在尋路績效、「高效率性」及「低錯誤率」的評量有顯著差異,男性所需時間較短,速度也較快,對「高效率性」及「低錯誤率」的評價較高。「記憶類型」在「易學習性」、「低錯誤率」及「高滿意度」有顯著差異,概觀式記憶類型尋路績效較差,評價卻較高,顯示此族群在空間學習能力及使用心態上的不同,概觀式記憶類型傾向於駕駛過程中,立即將所看到的空間表徵轉化為本身的空間知識,學習能力可能亦較佳。「我經常迷路」族群在「易學習性」及「高滿意度」有顯著差異,若撇除方向感最差的族群,自認為容易迷路的程度愈高,評價越高。


導航系統 尋路 好用度 虛擬實境


According to the investigation of the marketing research institution, the annual growth rate of car electronics market and utilization of car electronics grow up quickly. In the navigation system market, there are different views and strategies in different countries. For the car electronics market in Taiwan, the developing trend of the navigation system user interface is moving from Two-dimension interface toward Three-dimension interface. We use a virtual reality tool to study the effect of wayfinding performance about distance, time, and speed with different dimensions and information about navigation system while driving in a new environment. We also perform post hoc group analyses after experiment to understand how different groups of subjects perform in wayfinding performance and how they rate the navigation system usability. We find that the effect of dimension is significant in wayfinding performance. The effect of dimension and information are also significant in subjective preference rating. Two-dimension and low information system has the best wayfinding performance and highest rating. Three-dimension, 15°, and high information system has the worst wayfinding performance and lowest rating. It is significantly different in efficiency of use and error rate between genders, The male group has better performance in time and speed. They also have higher rate at efficiency of use and error rate. It is significantly different for ease of learning, error rate, and subjective preference between groups of memory types, The whole memory group has worse performance but higher rate in ease of learning, error rate, and subjective preference. It reveals the difference in spatial learning ability and attitude while using the navigation system. It is significantly different for ease of learning and subjective preference between groups of sense of direction.


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