  • 學位論文


A Study on Clicks-and-Mortar Marketing Model for Online Game Industry in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


摘 要 「玩遊戲」是人類文化的表現與藝術的創新,自古皆然。例如象棋、圍棋、西洋棋,甚至是簡單的「剪刀、石頭、布」,都是這個大家庭的一份子。而自從第一款「線上遊戲 Online Game」,也就是由英國人Roy Trubshaw於1970年研發的「MUD(Multi-User Dungeon or Dimension)」問世以來,時至今日,「線上遊戲」已經成為最耀眼的資訊服務產業。 在瞬息萬變的網路時代,傳統及網路之虛實行銷工具正排山倒海而來,根本且徹底改變了舊時代之中的企業競爭與行銷模式。然而,有關於「線上遊戲」新興產業的行銷議題與探討實在少有,以資訊管理為基礎的行銷研究更是罕見。 本研究深入探討遊戲業者所使用之各項虛實行銷工具,貢獻行銷理論之基礎以及後續研究之參考。除剖析虛實行銷工具之實際運用外,以整合行銷理論為概念,針對台灣線上遊戲產業,建構虛實整合行銷之模式。就此,作為遊戲業者行銷策略規劃與整合行銷方案之藍圖,同時可提供資訊管理學界,對於線上遊戲產業的後續討論方向。 本研究採用「深度訪談法」,探究傳統與網路行銷工具之虛實整合行銷模式,並藉由線上遊戲業者的深度訪談,根據研究結果提出下列三點研究結論,以期作為未來產學界對線上遊戲行銷模式之研究方向。 1、行銷工具之整合; 2、虛實整合之行銷模式; 3、績效指標。


Abstract “Gaming” is the performance of human culture and artistic innovation. Everything is the same with ancient times; for example Chinese chess, game of go, chess and even finger-guessing games. The first on-line game is MUD (Multi-User Dungeon or Dimension), programmed by Roy Trubshawin (1970 - present). The online gaming industry is the favorite for Management Information. In this “click-away” age of internet, diversified marketing tools help topple the mountains and overturn the seas, a revolution business changing competitions and marketing models from previous years. Conversely, market journals and essays are seldom used in present days. This thesis explores further Clicks-and-Mortar marketing tools for the Taiwan Online Game Industry. The investigation into manipulations between each marketing tools and construction of Clicks-and-Mortar Marketing Model for online game industry contributes a marketing framework of strengthening competition for online game industry and instructional literature of online game development as well. The research has been done by the in-depth case study and made a thorough inquiry into Clicks-and-Mortar marketing model. According to the analysis from each individual case, conclusions are described as below: 1. Integrating for marketing tools; 2. Clicks-and-Mortar Marketing model; 3. Indices of marketing achievements.


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