  • 學位論文


Consumers’ Preference on Product-Related Service for Next-Generation Game Console

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


繼2006年微軟推出Xbox360之後,任天堂及新力也陸續推出次世代遊戲主機,進而開啟全球次世代遊戲主機之戰場。在面臨全球經濟一片不景氣的情況下,市場中Wii、Xbox360及PS3三大遊戲主機廠商之銷售量反而逆勢成長。隨著寬頻網路的普及化,遊戲主機廠商積極致力於建構符合Web 2.0精神之遊戲平台,這些與產品緊密相關、能帶給使用者更多效用,進而促使增加購買意願的服務,稱為「產品關聯服務」(Mathieu, 2001)。遊戲主機廠商在舊世代主機的發展上,大多都以廠商的觀點出發,在遊戲主機硬體、軟體等技術進步的驅動下推出產品,而本研究目的將以消費者的立場,進行次世代遊戲主機產品及其產品關聯服務之消費者偏好的分析與探討,以瞭解影響消費者選擇廠商產品/服務之主要關鍵因素並設計最佳產品/服務組合,以提供遊戲主機廠商作為策略擬定之參考。 本研究採取兩階段的問卷調查,並運用聯合分析法進行偏好結構的分析。第一階段首先篩選出11個主要屬性,分別為成就系統、遊戲價格、主機價格、遊戲開發商跨平台販售、光碟片的技術規格、遊戲開發商之品牌、硬碟容量、保固的提供、音效、向下相容、線上平台的提供。透過第二階段的問卷調查,算出成份效用的估計值,以及在不同的市場區隔下之各屬性的相對重要性。依據偏好的不同產生三個主要的區隔,分別為品級/光碟片之技術規格導向群、遊戲價格/品級/線上平台導向群以及品級/線上遊戲平台導向群。 品級/光碟片之技術規格導向群首重視旗艦版遊戲主機品級以及具備Blue-ray Disc技術規格,建議廠商在此區隔中可發展高品級的遊戲主機與發行更多支援Blu-ray Disc技術規格的產品,例如高畫質影片或遊戲。此外,此區隔女性比例僅有2.8%,為所有區隔中最少,顯示此區隔不適合發展女性市場。 遊戲價格/品級/線上平台導向群在遊戲價格方面,首重低價位的遊戲價格。品級方面,重視中等價位的主機品級,其次是低價位的標準版主機。線上平台方面,首重免費的線上連線基本功能,其次是須付費的完整連線服務。建議廠商以低廉的遊戲價格,低階的遊戲主機品級以及完整的連線功能發展此區隔產品,以薄利多銷的方式打入市場,並可從收費制的完整線上平台的收入,去攤提銷售主機上的成本。 品級/線上遊戲平台導向群首重低階便宜的主機品級、免費的基本功能及連線對戰功能與偏好限量發行的遊戲軟體。建議廠商以低階的遊戲主機品級、發行限量版的遊戲、提供基本的連線服務發展此區隔的產品。此區隔男女性比例差距5.6%,為三個區隔中最小,故廠商若要發展男女皆宜的市場,建議可採取本研究對於此區隔的策略建議。 線上平台在三個利益區隔之相對重要性排名分別為第4、2、2名,由此可知連線服務的重要性在三個區隔皆相當重要,亦可知產品關聯服務(PRS)在現今社會對於消費者偏好之重要性有逐漸增加之趨勢。


After Microsoft selling Xbox360 in 2006, Nintendo and Sony also sold the next-generation game console continually, and then open the battlefield of the global next-generation game console industry. In the face of a global economic downturn, Wii, Xbox360 and PS3 sales volume show growth contrarily of three big main game console manufacturers. With the popularization of the Internet, the manufacturers establish the platform of web 2.0. This service which are closely related, gives users more utility and increased purchase aspirations known as product-related service. (Mathieu, 2001). The development of the game console manufacturers in the old-generation, the introduction of products were driven by the game console hardware, software and other technological advances of most manufacturers. Therefore, this study will be the position of consumers, to know consumers’ preference on products and product-related services (PRS) for next-generation game console. The method of conjoint analysis was used to realize the consumers’preference in a two-stage survey in this study. The first phase of the first selected 11 major attributes, namely, achievement system, game price, game console price, cross-platform game development, the technical specifications of CD, the game developer's brand, hard disk capacity, the provision of warranty, audio, backward compatibility, and online services. Through the second phase of the survey to calculate the estimated value of the effectiveness of components and the relative importance of various attributes in different market segments. Based on different preference we found three main segments, named grade / technical specifications of CD-oriented group, game price / grade / online platform-oriented group, and grade / online platform -oriented group. Grade / technical specifications of CD-oriented group pays attention to the flagship of the grade version of the game console and Blue-ray Disc with the technical specifications, it is recommended firm in this segmentation could do the development of high-grade and distribution of game consoles which support more Blu-ray Disc technical specifications of products, such as high-definition videos or games. In addition, the proportion of women in this segmentation is only 2.8%, which is the lowest of all segments, shows that this segmentation is not suitable for the development of women market. Game price / grade / online platform-oriented group emphasizes the low price game, mid-cost version of the console, followed by the standard low-cost version of the console, the online connection services including the free of charge of basic functions, followed by the need to pay the full connection services for the online platform. We recommend that manufacturers sell games at low prices, the console at low grade, and do the development of the full connection services for the online platform in this segmentation, a way to break into the market, small profits but quick turnover, and a complete system from charges of income online platform to amortization the cost of mainframe sales. Grade / online platform-oriented group pays attention to the low-grade cheap console, the free of charge of basic functions including play with friend function and prefer the limited edition of the game software. We recommend that the manufacturers sell low-grade game console, limited edition of the game software, and provide the basic connection services including play with friend function for free in this segmentation. The proportion gap in this segmentation between men and women is 5.6 percent, which is the smallest of the three segments, it is suitable for the manufacturers to develop the maket for men and women, it is recommended to adopt the strategy for this segmentation of this study. The online platform in three market segments respectively rankings of the relative importance is 4,2,2, and we can find that the importance of the connection services in three segments is much higher, and we also have known that the importance of consumer preference on product-related services ( PRS ) gradually has increased in today's society.


高慶騰(2007)。次世代主機產業之個案研究與競爭策略分析--以Sony Playstation3、Microsoft Xbox360及Nintendo Wii為例。國立台灣大學工業工程學研究所未出版碩士論文,台北。
