  • 學位論文


The effect of social desirability on the validity of self-report personality scales.

指導教授 : 黃麗嬌


摘要 本研究主要目的在瞭解社會期許對人格量表建構與預測效度之影響,針對社會期許之概念,採取Paulhus之觀點,區分自我欺騙(人格特質)與印象整飾(反應偏誤)兩部分作探討,此外為了改善社會期許產生的問題,使用結構方程模式、淨相關與迴歸,控制印象整飾之變異,預期可增進人格建構的清晰性及預測效度。研究以379名中學生為樣本,使用NEO-FFI與BIDR量表測量受試者的五大特質與社會期許傾向,並採用自評與他評兩種資料收集方式,以指導語要求受試者分別依誠實與裝好方式作答NEO-FFI與BIDR量表,並請受試者邀請同學作同儕評定,另外收集受試者期中考之成績,作為效標變項,以檢驗人格量表的預測效度。研究發現相較他評與誠實情境,裝好情境下人格特質間相關過高,且特質對學業表現預測力偏低,表示受試者以社會期許方式作答,降低人格量表的效度,另外發現自我欺騙在誠實與裝好情境下皆對學業表現具有顯著預測力,支持自我欺騙為特質之說法。筆者針對裝好情境產生之問題,以結構方程模式控制社會期許的影響,皆降低人格特質間的相關,且提升人格量表的預測表現;其次針對人格量表的預測效度,分別使用淨相關、迴歸與結構方程模式控制社會期許之變異,顯示採用結構方程模式可使人格特質對學業表現的預測力最大。 關鍵詞:社會期許、印象整飾、自我欺騙、人格特質、方法效果、結構方程模式


Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of social desirability on the personality constructs and predictive validities of personality scales. In this study, the concept of social desirability is based on Paulhus’s approach including self-deception (trait) and impression management (response bias). In order to improve the issues caused by social desirability, the analytical strategies of structural equation modeling, partial correlation, and multiple regression are used to control the bias of impression management. The superiority of structural equation modeling which estimates measurement error is expected to increase the clarity of personality constructs and the predictive validity of personality traits on academic performance. In this study, 379 high school students were measured at honest, faking, and peer-rating situations, respectively. Data were collected by manipulation instructions that participants were asked to complete NEO-FFI and BIDR in both honest and faking occasions and then to invite a classmate to respond NEO-FFI as peer-rating. In addition, participants’ midterm scores as criterion were used to examine the predictive validity of the Big Five personality scales. The results show that responding under faking instructions inflates correlations among the Big Five personality dimensions and also decreases the prediction of personality scales. The self-deception predicts more accurate academic performance under both faking and honest instructions. It is evident that self-deception supports personality traits. By using structural equation modeling to control social desirability effect, the above problems in faking situation are resolved: the intercorrelations among personality traits are decreased and the predictive validity of NEO-FFI is increased. In addition, based on predictive validity of personality scale, using structural equation modeling to control social desirability other than partial correlation and multiple regression proves to demonstrate the best explained variance of academic performance. Key words: social desirability, impression management, self-deception, personality, method effect, structural equation modeling


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