  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effectiveness of Using Mobile Devices to Ask Question in Class

指導教授 : 鍾斌賢


本研究的目的在於解決學生在上課時碰到問題而不敢發問的現象,開發一個課堂即時發問輔助學習系統,並於實驗後探討學生的學習動機、學習成就以及系統使用心得,以便了解學生對於此系統的意見及看法。 透過本研究之實驗結果可以知道,大部分的學生普遍不敢在課堂上發問或是表達自己的意見,透過本研究開發之輔助教學提問系統,不僅可以提升學生的學習動機,亦可以幫助學生在上課時即時解惑並提升學生的學習成就。 除此之外,本研究也發現,在同一個班級上課的學生並不需要每人均利用行動裝置使用本提問系統,與實驗組(使用提問系統)一同上課的對照組(未使用提問系統)也會受到實驗組的提問而受惠,也會因為受到實驗組所刺激,進而提升學習動機以及學習成就。結果顯示包含實驗組的班級在學習成就與不包含實驗組的班級有顯著性的差異。


The purpose of this research was to solve a situation that students were lack of courage to ask question in the classroom. So, this research developed a mobile assist learning system to help students asking question in class. After the experiment this research analysis the student's learning motivation, learning achievement and feedback of this system. Through the mobile assist learning system, students not only enhanced their learning motivation but also enhanced their learning achievement. This research also discovered a situation that the student without using mobile assist learning system will influenced by those using mobile assist learning system, therefore the student without using mobile assist learning system will enhance their learning motivation and learning achievement as well.


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