  • 學位論文


Analysis of Collaborative Governance on Community Resource Integration: Joint Community Development Association of Eight Communities, Including Yunghsing Community of Nantou City, Nantou County

指導教授 : 林吉郎


南投縣南投市於民國一百年推動「福利化社區旗艦型計畫」,藉由「聯合/跨社區」方式,讓發展成熟的永興社區,引領周邊具有發展潛力的社區,發揮「旗艦領航、艦隊跟上」精神,結合政府部門與學術界,致力社區間之協力發展,以學習互動、資源共享的操作模式,提升福利社區化推動與發展的能量,整合旗艦型社區資源,並協助弱勢社區培力與成長。計畫方案議題多元,涵蓋社區老人與身心障礙者之關懷照顧、送餐、外籍配偶生活適應輔導、弱勢學童課後照顧、社區治安、暑期弱勢兒童課後照顧、社區婦女電腦學習、志工培訓等,已獲得明顯成果。 本文嘗試以「協力治理」研究途徑,探討「南投市社區深耕社區,樂活南投好幸福」旗艦型計畫。透過文獻分析、深度訪談與參與觀察等方法,剖析該計畫參與者如何透過聯繫會報之「論壇」形式,與經理人穿針引線,建立互信與經驗交流,使協力社區共同學習成長,有效發揮互助互利效應。本研究重要發現如下: 一、 參與各造間具備良好起始條件,亦即市公所、永興社區與其他參與之社區間由於過去長期的合作經驗,為參與者樂於加入旗艦計畫的最大誘因。 二、 「論壇式」定期與非定期聯繫會報的制度設計,讓公所、輔導教授與各參與社區幹部間能公開討論,捨異求同,建立共識,遵守規範,使成員間產生更高凝聚力。 三、 從南投市長、業管課長與社區理事長均具備「催化領導」(或為促進式領導)特質,亦即皆能透過與部屬的良性互動與精緻的集體學習,激發全體成員齊心一致為組織或團隊效力,使組織能不斷順利進行培力、調適、解決問題,進而提升整體組織效能,並促進合作與互信。 四、 南投市公所與永興等六個社區,推動旗艦計畫的第一年,其協力過程中相當程度能落實:信任建立、對過程的承諾、理解的共享、即刻的結果、面對面的對話等實質協力面向。 五、 此一計畫,不僅第一年的成果能達到內政部所設定的標準,進入第二年時尚且有其他兩個社區爭取加入,整體而論,是項協力治理行動目前獲致良好的結果。


“The Flagship Project for Welfare-based Communities” has been implemented at Nantou City of Nantou County since 2011. Adopting a cross-community (community coalition) approach, this project uses the well-developed Yungsing Community, to lead the surrounding communities with developmental potential to exert the spirit of “flagship navigates, ship follows” All this is done is to build up a collaboration between government departments and the academic field, trying its best to exert the development of the cooperation of the communities. The operating method of this cooperation is to conduct the concept of flagship-guided group development and the operational model of interactive learning and resource sharing. This project, together with governmental agencies and the academic field, is aiming for facilitating the implementation as well as the development of welfare-based communities, integrating flagship community resources, and encouraging empowerment and growth of more vulnerable communities. This project has pluralistic issues, including offering daily care and meals of community seniors and people with disabilities, offering consultation for helping foreign spouses adapt to their new environment, setting up after school tutorial programs for underprivileged children, working on community security, setting up summer school program for underprivileged children, offering computer classes for community women, and setting up volunteer training. Significant outcomes have already been observed. The objective of this study is to use collaborative governance as the means to investigate the flagship project “Promoting deep-rooted communities in Nantou city: Making Nantou a wonderful place to live.” By analyzing the literature and conducting in-depth interview and field studies, the researchers gained insights into how participants of the project, with their managers as mediators, established mutual trust and exchanged experiences through forums and bulletin boards. This communication channel has enabled the aliened communities to learn together, to grow together, and to take full advantage of the collaboration. The key findings of this study are presented below: I. The participating communities are equipped with good starting conditions. That is, there is a good past long-term collaborative experience among the City Hall, Yunghsing Community, and other participating communities that encourages communities to join the flagship project. II. The forum-type regularly or non-regularly conducted briefing system enables the City Hall, advising professors, and community officers to not only hold open discussion for reaching consensus, but also follow regulations, and creating greater cohesion among the members. III. The mayor of Nantou City, relevant section chiefs, and community chairpersons all possess an excellent facilitative leadership capacity. That is, they are good at using positive interaction with their subordinates and detailed group learning to unite the members to work for the organization or team. Their leadership style enables the organization to carry out empowerment, adaptation, and problem-solving continuously and smoothly, which can enhance the overall organizational efficacy, collaboration, and mutual trust. IV. The first year of the implementation of the flagship project made by Nantou City Hall, Yunghsing Community, and other five communities is relatively successful. The participants have built mutual trust, become committed to the process, shared mutual understanding, achieved instant results, and carried out face-to-face dialogues and other substantial collaborative actions. V. They have not only achieved the standards set by the Ministry of the Interior within the first year, but also attracted two other communities to join the project in the next year. In general, this action of collaborative governance has achieved excellent results.


王文科(1990) 《教育研究法》,台北:五南圖書公司。
王珮如、胡淑貞(2004) 健康社區夥伴關係的影響因素。台灣健康城市學刊,
