  • 學位論文


The Separation Experiences of Foster Parents with Their Foster Children

指導教授 : 沈慶鴻


在寄養安置服務中,寄養父母被視為「專業協同者」;然而家庭式的一般化生活經驗,及寄養父母與寄養童伴隨長期安置所發展出的依附關係,往往使得寄養父母與寄養童產生親密的情感連結。這樣特殊的情感經驗,使得寄養父母面對自己「替代式父母」與「生身父母」的情感分界,在安置期間愈來愈模糊。      傳統對於寄養服務的想像,大多簡化寄養父母服務過程中多元又複雜的角色,更否認寄養雙方在長期安置過程中發展出依附關係的可能性,因此淡化忽略寄養家庭面對與寄養童分離時的感受。      基此,本研究透過立意取樣方式找到了7位寄養媽媽,並以深度訪談方式探討她們與寄養童分離的經驗,發現: 一、分離經驗引發寄養媽媽與寄養童下述三種感受:   人前強顏歡笑,人後淚滿衣襟;只有義務和想念,沒有權利難再見;分離之痛  像刀割,枕邊人也難了解。 二、寄養媽媽因應分離經驗的七種方式:   增加相處時間,告別寄養親友;傳遞照顧訊息,延續照顧心意;主動求援,尋  求他人支持;隔絕相關訊息,避免觸景傷情;照顧其他寄養童,轉移注意力;  透過休閒活動,抒發情緒;轉念釋懷,情緒終昇華。 三、與寄養童分離為寄養媽媽帶來的四種影響:   選擇不再帶幼童,照顧大的較省心;心扉痛徹過,接納彈性變大;因孩子激發  的愛,延續到未來的服務;理解機構規定,學習新的角色界線。 四、對機構協助處理寄養父母分離經驗提出三項建議:   寄養父母沒辦法跟不熟悉的專業工作者討論分離事件;分離過程中應該寄養父  母持續與照顧者對話;視寄養家長特性予以彈性支持。      而根據上述研究發現,研究者則針對實務工作提出下述建議: 一、需特別關注首次分離事件的影響 二、納入寄養父母的意見,以豐富處遇評估之內涵 三、除了主要照顧者外,寄養家人情緒也需要關照 四、自助式或支持式團體可協助寄養家長回應分離情緒 五、應關注寄養父母個人議題、所處階段對寄養服務造成的影響 六、寄養社工與寄養父母的合作關係影響寄養服務的品質


Foster parents are considered as “professional collaborators” in family foster care. However, it makes foster parents result emotional link with their foster children by the long-term care experiences and the attachment between foster parents with their foster children. The special emotional experiences also make foster parents feel confused about their role of “alternative parents” and “biological parents”.      Most of time, the service systems simplify the complex role of foster parents and ignore the foster parents’feeling about how they treat the separation experiences with their foster children.      Based on this, the study invited seven foster mothers by purposive sampling and used in-depth interviews to discuss their separation experiences with foster children. Research findings include: First, the separation experiences caused those feelings: “to cry my eyes out behind people”,“there is no right to meet foster children again” , “ nobody can understand the parents’suffering”. Second, foster parents' cope the separation experiences by: “increased the time to get along with foster children”, “to share the care messages with other carer” ,”isolated the relevant information ”, “to take care of other foster children” ,”to do some leisure activities” ,”to switch my thoughts”. Third, the impact of the separation experiences are: “don’t want to take care of young children anymore”,” it helps to enlarge the accept level.”, ”the concerned for one child and expand to other children”,”learing the new boundary of roles ”. Fourth, the suggestion for institutions to help foster parents coping with the experience of separation are: “foster parents can not discuss the separation experiences with strange professionals”, ”the institutions should help foster parents keep dialogue with other carers”, “to provide resilient supports to foster parents. ”. Based on the findings, the researcher suggest the following recommendations: First, the first separation experience requires more attention. Second, to invite foster parents to attened assesment meeting and provide their opinions. Third, workers need to take care of the other foster families’feeling. Fourth, support group is a good coping way. Fifth, foster parents personal issues may effect the quality of foster care. Sixth, the cooperation between foster parents and their foster workers may effect the quality of foster care.




