  • 學位論文


The relationships among separation-individuation, parental attachment, interpersonal interaction, and epression in adolescents

指導教授 : 潘惠銘 黃君瑜


研究背景與目的:青少年正處於從兒童到成人的過渡階段,無論內在或外在均面臨重大轉變。Blos(1979)認為青少年正處於第二次的分離-個體化階段,需要與父母達成心理上的分離,才能成為獨立自主的個體,且有良好的適應。然而分離並不是代表情感的抽離或去依附。Grotevant(1989)認為當青少年可以從父母中發展出一些自主性,卻同時擁有持續的支持和親密的父母-青少年關係時,青少年的發展將較順利。因此青少年如何在分離-個體化和與父母的依附中達成平衡,將是青少年發展的一個重要任務。過去雖有許多研究在探索分離-個體化和與父母依附的關係,卻受限於量表的效度問題而無法突破。本研究採用有良好信效度的「心理分離量表」,試圖去探索此二概念的關聯性,並考量性別與家庭氣氛對分離-個體化與依附的影響。由於分離-個體化與依附的發展常會影響青少年的人際關係與情緒適應,故本研究納入青少年的人際互動與憂鬱,期望藉由探索青少年在分離-個體化、與父母依附、人際互動、憂鬱之間的關係,能對青少年的發展與問題有一個更深入的了解。 研究方法:本研究以桃園縣六所高中職二年級的學生為研究對象,男生241人,女生237人,合計478位。並以「心理分離量表」、「父母依附量表」、「人際互動模式量表」及「青少年憂鬱量表」等自陳量表為研究工具,進行問卷調查。將所得到的資料,以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸分析、路徑分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 研究結果:分離-個體化、與父母依附、人際互動、憂鬱之間都有顯著的相關,分離-個體化和與父母依附的發展愈好,人際互動就愈佳,憂鬱就愈少。家庭氣氛對與父母依附有較大且直接的解釋力,而分離-個體化則對人際互動與憂鬱有較大且直接的解釋力。 結論:本研究結果擴展了Blos(1979)和Grotevant(1989)的看法。當青少年以與父母的良好依附關係為基礎,來發展分離-個體化的能力時,將有助於青少年的人際與情緒適應。期望將來的研究能收集包括國中生和大學生等不同階段的青少年樣本,並進行縱貫式的研究,以了解整個青少年層分離-個體化與依附的發展。


Background and purpose: Usually Adolescence is considered as a developmental stage between childhood and adulthood. In this transition-stage the adolescents face big change, whatever inside or outside. Blos (1979) proposed that there is a second separation-individuation process that occurs during adolescence. They need to reach psychological separation from parent, in order to be independent individuals and adapt well. But Separation doesn’t mean emotionally departing or detaching from parents. Grotevant (1989) noted that when adolescents developing some autonomy from parents and owning continually support and intimacy in parent-adolescent relation, they will develop well. So, how adolescents come to balance at separation-individuation and parental attachments? It is one of the most important tasks in adolescent’s development. There were many studies to investigated the relationship between separation-individuation and parental attachment in the past. But the result were poor because the inventory used had low validity. This study try to investigate their relationship again, by using ‘‘Psychological Separation Inventory’’ that has high reliability and validity, and besides to find the impact of gender and family atmosphere on them. The development of separation-individuation and attachment often influence interpersonal relationship and emotional adaptation, so this study also includes the investigation of their relationship to interpersonal interaction and depression in adolescents. We investigate the relationships among separation-individuation, parental attachment, interpersonal interaction, and depression in adolescents, in order to understand the development in adolescent. Method: The subjects are 478 junior students from six senior high school in Taoyuan county, including 241 male and 237 female. The following self-report materials are gathered in this study: the ‘‘Psychological Separation Inventory’’, the ‘’Inventory of Parental Attachment’’, the ‘’Model of Interpersonal Interaction Inventory’’, and the ‘’Adolescent Depression Inventory’’. We use descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, stepwise regression analysis, path analysis for data analysis. Results: Separation-individuation, parental attachment, interpersonal interaction, and depression are significant correlated. If the separation-individuation develops well, the parental attachment and the interpersonal interaction will develop well, too. And depression will be rare. Family atmosphere has significant and direct influence on parental attachment. The separation-individuation has great and direct influence on interpersonal interaction and depression. Conclusion: The results of this study extend Blos(1979) and Grotevant(1989)’s view. When the development of adolescents is based on parental attachment, they will develop separation- individuation well, and aid to interpersonal and emotional adjustment in adolescents. For the further research in the future We hope to gather samples from junior high school and college, and to do longitudinal study. In order to understand the development of separation- individuation and attachment in all stage of adolescence.


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