  • 學位論文


Collaborative Model on R.O.C.’s Local Government and Social Welfare Non-profit Organizations-A Case Study of Home Care Policy Program for the Elderly of Tainan City Government

指導教授 : 林吉郎


世界各國自1970年代以來發起之政府再造運動方興未艾,以3P5D為施工原則,如,活化參與(Participation)、民營化(Privatization)及營造協力(Partnerships)等方式,希冀藉以此提振傳統公部門效能不彰等弊病,加速提升政府競爭力。社會福利行政體系亦需行政革新,惟國內礙於政治、經濟、社會等因素,而有所遲滯。待我國於1998年國民黨執政時期頒布「政府再造綱領」、2000年民進黨執政時期主張效法歐陸諸國「第三條路」以建構民間與政府的夥伴關係,國內社會福利民營化更形蓬勃發展。隨著近年來「高齡化」社會之到來,老人社會福利亦趨重要,政府適時運用「公私協力」方式提升行政效能、促進民間參與公共事務,企圖達成公私雙贏之勢。學者Ansell & Gash於2008年發表一項集結137份研究報告之後設研究而創建一協力治理模式,適逢臺南市3家社福機構-Y.W.C.A.、家庭關懷協會、Y.M.C.A.自1999年來與市政府長達10年以上合作關係,本研究僅探究2007-2010三年發展歷程,了解雙方於合作過程當中產生何種優劣效應?何種因素促成此些效應產生?改進之道為何?藉機達成理論與實務相結合之目的,主要研究發現如下: 壹、合作良效 一、互利互惠: (一)市政府行政效能提升、財政負擔減輕、促進公民參與公 共事務。 (二)3家社福機構獲取市政府「錢」、「權」挹注與保障, 「名」與「機構使命」得以提升與發揮。 (三)長期合作穩固雙方社會資本。 二、明辨共識:確實發揮居家服務此一老人福利服務原始的公共 利益精神。 貳、合作待改進之處 法規範降低行政效率與其他社福機構參與度、權力與資源分配失 衡、多項單方負面事實雖不影響合作關係但有待雙方積極研擬可 行方針解決、委託契約書缺乏合議精神等。 參、「時間」、「信任」、「相互依存關係」確為此一「成功」個案 要因。


Launched by various nations in the 1970s, the reinventing government movement is still unfolding. The operational principle of this movement is 3P5D (for example, 3P represent Participation, Privatization, and Partnerships), and the objective is to use these methods to boost the flagging efficacy and other ills of the traditional public sector, and enhance government competitive capacity. The social welfare system also requires administrative reform, which has been delayed by domestic political, economic, and social factors. In Taiwan, the domestic privatization of social welfare began to develop more rapidly when the ruling Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, KMT) promulgated the “Guiding principles for reinventing government” in 1998, and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) advocated the “Third Road” for emulating European continental nations in 2000. The purpose of these strategies was to build partner relationships between the private and public sectors. With the advent of an “aging” society in recent years, the importance of social welfare for the elderly has increased. The government has been applying methods of “public-private cooperation” appropriately, to improve administrative performance and encourage participation in public affairs, with the hopes of creating a win-win situation between the public and private sectors. In 2008, Ansell and Gash published a meta-study comprising 137 research reports, and built a model of collaborative governance. This study adopted the model of collaborative governance to explore the development process of the partnership between three social welfare institutions in Tainan City and Tainan City Government during 2007 to 2010. The three social welfare institutions, which are Y.W.C.A., Family Care Association, and Y.M.C.A., have had a partnership with the city government for more than a decade, from 1999 to the present. This study aimed to discuss three issues, (a) the advantages/disadvantages for both sides in the collaboration process, (b) the factors that produced these effects, and (c) the paths to improvement. Through the goal of integrating theory and practice, this study derived the following research results: 1. Positive effects of collaboration 1-1.Mutual benefit: (1): The administrative performance of the city government was enhanced and the financial burden was reduced, thus furthering participation in public affairs by private organizations. (2): The three social welfare institutions received guarantee of funding and authority from the city government, enhancing their reputation and organizational mission. (3): Long-term collaboration established the social capital of both parties. 1-2.Clearly identified consensus: Both parties demonstrated that the spirit of public benefits and services facilitate home care services for the elderly. 2. Areas requiring improvement - Legal norms and regulations reduced administrative efficiency and the degree of participation from other social welfare institutions; - Imbalanced allocation of authority and resources; - While not factors of influence on the partnership, many unilaterally negative realities still required active involvement from both parties to formulate feasible solutions; - Letters of authorization lacked a cooperative spirit. 3. Time, trust, and an interdependent relationship were essential factors for the success of this case. Keywords: re-engineering,privatization,social-welfare privatization,social-welfare for the elderly,home care,nonprofit organization,collaborative governance,PPPs


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