  • 學位論文


Dialogues between Social Work and Indigenous Tribe: The Cross-cultural Experiences of the Social Workers in the Tayal Tribal Communities.

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


本研究嘗試探究與理解社會工作者進入泰雅族部落工作可能的工作模式,在跨文化社會工作的思維下,有意識的發展貼近泰雅部落在地文化脈絡與傳統價值的社工服務工作;避免在單一、規範式的社工服務模式中造成福利殖民和二次的族群撕裂與傷害。 本研究使用批判民族誌和行動研究為研究方法,以研究者長期在泰雅部落蹲點的實際經驗為基礎,整理相關社會工作者進入泰雅部落的跨文化經驗,並以「大安溪部落共同廚房」為主要實踐與反思的場域,在行動中嘗試發展可能的跨文化工作模式。每個部落都是動態多元的,社工跟部落一起工作的方式也是要根據不同的部落情況而動態調整的,是互為主體的動態跨文化工作模式,且不只是社工和服務對象個別的互為主體,更是團體和族群層次的互為主體;社工如何組織並形成一個在地的工作結構,用族群事務的角度來跟部落協力工作。 本研究除了強調工作者要住在部落、在部落生活之外,更強調在終極理想工作關係上工作者是為部落所用,由部落為主體來發動,而不是由工作者來發動和主導,這就需要培力和協力的過程。需要不斷反思的是外來社工、外來組織與部落的關係,社工該在哪個位置,面對人民團體的被操作和部落主體的落差該有怎樣的行動策略。在充分評估和理解部落文化脈絡後,要採取的培力工作該是內生性、或外來的培力?大安溪的工作經驗是用「包裝在社福方案下的組織培力工作」,透過政府與外來機構的資源挹注與照顧人力的培養,過程中不只作服務的輸送與部落照顧的推動,更把在地的工作者及在地團隊的組織培力發展起來。最後,提出以下幾個結論: (一)、社工應對泰雅族原住民部落文化與觀點有重新的理解:泰雅族地區的核心文化概念是祖靈Utux和規範Gaga,社會工作者應理解泰雅族的傳統助人機制和世界觀。泰雅族的互助和分享機制值得社會工作學習,本文嘗試描繪泰雅族的世界觀,相較於社工原本的家庭工作主軸,提出部落文化系統觀、家族工作模式。 (二)、關於泰雅部落社工人員的跨文化經驗整理與分析:本研究也從社工實際的跨文化經驗肯認社會工作專業應該對應原住民文化差異做出調整和因應。 (三)、與部落互為主體的跨文化動態模式:從實際的行動經驗中提出此模式,且原住民社會工作除了傳統的福利服務,更要往關注土地倫理和產業生計的團結經濟邁進。


This study tries to explore working modes of social workers entering Atayal tribes. With the thinking of cross-cultural work, social workers can be more sensitive developing social services in ways closing to local cultural contexts and traditional values in Atayal tribal areas, lest the welfare colonization and damaging splits among ethnic groups would be resulted from the monophonic normative mode of social services. This study applies critical ethnography and action research as research method, based on the long-term fieldwork and practical experience, sorting out cross-cultural experiences of relative social workers working in the Atayal tribes. Meanwhile, this study will take the“ Daan river tribal communal kitchen”as the main field to conduct practice and reflection, trying to develop cross-cultural working modes in action. Each tribe is changing and diverse, social workers working with tribe people have to adjust the working method flexibly according to different condition in different tribes. This would be a kind of working method on mutual-subjectivity, not only within social workers and their clients but also on the level of communities and peoples. The concern is how social workers organize and form a local work structure, collaborating through perspectives from ethnic affairs. This study not only emphasizes on that workers live in the tribes, but also on that workers can be used for the tribes, and work initiated and guided by the tribe people rather than the workers as an ultimate ideal, and to achieve this aim needs a process of empowerment and collaborating, as well as continuingly reflection on the relationships between the tribe people and exterior social workers or NGOs. Which position should the social workers work at? What strategy should take while there are distance between manipulated tribal organizations and tribal subjectivity? After fully assessment and understanding the tribal cultural context, should the empowerment be endogenous or exogenous? The strategy of Daan river is the “organizational capacity-building plans packaged in social welfare projects,”through the inputting resources from the government and exterior NGOs, and bringing up caring workers, we not only deliver services and push the tribal care affair, but also develop the local workers and the local organization empowerment. Finally, there are several conclusions posed as follows: 1.Social workers should re-understanding Atayal culture and viewpoints: the core culture concept in Atayal area is ancestors’spirits “Utux”and traditional norm”Gaga”. Social workers should learn the Atyal traditional helping system and worldview. The Atyal mutual helping and sharing system is worth learning. This study tries to describe the Atyal people’s worldview, comparing to original work mode on single household of social work, this study propose the systematic view of tribal culture, and work mode on clan. 2. In relation to the sorting and analysis of the experiences of social workers in Atayal tribe area, this article recognizes that social work profession should do the adjustment and response to the differences of indigenous cultures through real cross- cultural experiences. 3. The dynamic modes that is of mutual-subjectivity with indigenous tribes: This mode is risen from real practice. Also, in addition to traditional welfare service, indigenous social work should concern more on the land ethic and move toward solidarity economy of livelihood.


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Ciwang Teyra、吳雅雯/Yabung.Haning、黃炤愷、謝宛蓉、Lbak Uking(2022)。Manu Ka Kmlawa Rudan?初探太魯閣族老人照顧-以Ciyakang部落為例中華心理衛生學刊35(3),227-247。https://doi.org/10.30074/FJMH.202209_35(3).0001
