  • 學位論文


Welfare or Oppression ?:A Study of the Process of Single-Father Receiving Formal Assistances

指導教授 : 黃源協


為了解單親爸爸受助歷程之經驗,進而思索或作為提供單親爸爸福利服務的參考,本研究掌握扶助現況:了解單親爸爸申請社會福利扶助前後之相關歷程,以對於此類社會當中可能落入弱勢者的真實情境有更詳盡的了解與掌握,以提供政策規劃的建議,降低申請扶助的整體歷程中的可能阻礙,讓扶助提供更臻友善。 本研究運用深度訪談訪問了8位單親爸爸,並整理歸納出四項研究發現: 壹、 「性別角色」對於單親爸爸而言,無論是其內在的想法、觀念乃至於外在行為,在講求自由平等的臺灣社會,依舊未能去除這項傳統概念所造成的影響。 一. 單親爸爸的就業情形:經濟來源縮減,從事「類」工作以維繫社會期待。對於婚姻的結束,有如釋重負地感受,經濟負擔反倒因為離婚而減輕。 二. 單親爸爸的子女照顧情形:對於照顧工作早已熟稔,單親之後多了更多與子女相處的機會,承擔更多照顧子女日常起居的工作,與子女的接觸機會增加,故親子關係有更正向的改變。 三. 單親爸爸看自己:面對工作,男人的辛酸與無力感、申請扶助之下潛藏的壓迫來自因為感知社會期待外界所希冀聽聞的標準答案,於是回應「正確答案」及遭遇困難,男人情感的內隱,以免遭致負面評價。 貳、 單親家庭內部角色的重整:男性的角色未能夠因為婚姻的變化而轉換,家中年紀稍長的女兒必須擔負比現有年齡超出更多家庭責任,反而代替離開母親的位置,扮演打理家內事的工作;而若家中子女年紀皆幼小,則是由單親爸爸直接打理家務。 參、 單親家庭外部資源的重整:非正式資源的介入,提供了單親家庭有力的後盾,使能夠維持正常的運作,單親爸爸回歸原生家庭,也形成了「新型態的三代同堂」;正式資源的介入,給予單親家庭物質及非物質方面的協助,也促使熟稔資源運用的單親爸爸成為專業的福利申請者,能夠與相同遭遇者分享成功申請資源的經驗。 肆、 單爸眼中的孩子:對於孩子們的內心世界比較少著墨,他們含蓄地藉由孩子的行為去觀察然後自己賦予詮釋,堅強外表之下的細膩,始終是說來最令人動容的故事。 本研究針對現今福利服務提供並進行缺失反思,提出三項研究討論與建議: 單親爸爸對於社會的協助,能夠感受社會的溫暖,鮮少社會疏離、歧視等負面感受,反而因為單親原因,接受來自外界更多的關心與協助。福利服務輸送過程當中鮮少感受到壓迫情形,扶助金實際上給予的多寡以及服務輸送的效率考量才是與他們認為最切身相關,也是他們所重視的部分,只要福利得以成功的申請、服務提供者能多些耐心去傾聽他們的困難,才是重要。福利提供者的關懷與同理付出,超出單親爸爸原先所期待,過去為人所詬病的高高在上的福利提供者的互動情形,似乎於現在已不復見,這是一個相當不錯的改變。在性別是否影響福利的部分,單親爸爸反而同情單親媽媽處境更加可憐堪慮,經濟狀況及就業環境似乎與其相較是更加惡劣;且他們對於扶助的提供並不會感受到因為性別不同而有所差異,單親爸爸感受現今扶助制度,只要扶助過了,扶助金就會按照行政既定流程發放。此外,研究也發現,社會福利服務的照顧,「選擇性」的積極發揮在行為良好的受助對象身上。 對於本研究發現,現今社會福利提供呈現:資訊不對等、資源不充足及隱性社會期待等三項缺失,本研究分別提出制度性建議為:實地了解需求,補助流程簡便透明化、提供充足與多元的補助及打造有歸屬感的生活環境。單親家庭也是一種生活方式的選擇,社會要袪除將「非典型家庭」視為社會問題的慣性想法,用更大的包容度接納多元的選擇,單親爸爸們在面臨挫折時候所展現出的堅韌生命力反而是令人讚嘆的優勢所在。


The study aims to discover the experiences of single-fathers accepting welfare and provides welfare policy enacted. In this study, concluded several the status quo: for the process of single-fathers applying for the social welfare, understanding details about these fathers being the minority in the society, providing suggestions for welfare policy and reducing possible obstacles from applying for the social welfare, makes all social welfare assist completed. Depth interviews used in the study for eight single-fathers, and four issues sum up are as following: I. Although Taiwan’s society nowadays emphasis the gender freedom and equality, the image of traditional gender-role of single-fathers hardly been removed, whether internal thoughts or external behaviors. 1 . The study finds that the income resource of single-fathers will be reduced. Some of them work to conform to the social expectation. The economical burden slightly release because of divorce. 2. The relationship between father and children has been positive. Single-fathers have more time to take care of children. They get more opportunity to knowing children. 3. Single-fathers feel tired and they apply for the social welfare for the society expected standard. II. The reformation of internal role for single family: Elderly daughters instead get more family responsibility due to the marriage change. They replace mothers’ role to deal the housework. Single -fathers take care of younger. III. The reformation of the external assistant for single family: Non-formal assistant provides single family maintained. Single-fathers will return, becoming new three generations living together. Formal assistant provides single family material and immaterial help. Single-fathers apply for the welfare and share the success experiences to others. IV. Fathers’ views for children: They observe their children silently, and then seldom share. The conclusions are provided for social welfare policy. Single fathers can accept the social assistant, however, they think highly on the welfare allowance and the efficient of service. They need is the success application and more patience to know their difficulty. Otherwise, Single fathers feel on the same boat about single mothers. Social welfare consider no gender-role, namely, they are equally treated. Finally, the study also finds that the influence of social welfare will “alternatively” appear in some good attitude single fathers. The social welfare policies reflect three issues: asymmetric information, insufficient resources, and hidden social expectation. So this study according to the viewpoint concludes some suggestions for policies. Deeply know the need and simplify the applying process, provide sufficient assistants, and establish home-like living environments, all can give single father more alterative space.


