  • 學位論文


The Relation between Working stress,social support and Quality of Life among Health Educators in Junior High School

指導教授 : 劉潔心


本研究旨在利用工作負荷-控制-社會支持模式(Job Demand-Contrl-Social support Model;JDCS)來研究國中健康促進學校之健康相關教學者的工作壓力、社會支持及生活品質的現況及相互關係。本研究資料來自「運用健康E化科技系統提升國民中學健康相關教學者之健康專業能力與健康生活型態」第一年研究計畫的問卷調查結果,選取65所健康促進學校的健康相關教學工作者共616名,進行次級資料分析。 本研究結果發現: 一、由國中健康促進相關教學者在工作負荷的主要來源是教學及備課的時間壓力和處理學生相關問題;工作控制方面,教師均認為教學工作是需要持續接受訓練、且工作多樣性的專業;在社會支持上,教師在工作上所獲得的社會支持,主要還是來自於同事;整體而言,在自評生活品質方面以對自己的社會關係及生理層面感到滿意。 二、在工作負荷上以未兼任行政職、年資淺、任教科目為健康教育的老師對工作負荷的感受性最高;工作控制方面以兼任行政職務的教師自覺工作控制度最佳;而社會支持方面以男性、兼任行政職務、資深教師及體育領域教師獲得較多的社會支持;而整體生活品質方面以體育領域教師其自評生活品質滿意度最高。 三、工作負荷、工作控制、社會支持與生活品質間具有顯著性的相關性。而工作負荷越大則工作控制越差、所獲得的社會支持與自覺生活品質也就越低,且教師對工作控制越佳則生活品質越好,所獲得的社會支持越高其生活品質也就越佳。 四、工作壓力族群的不同對生活品質影響的結果,發現低壓力型(低工作負荷-高工作控制)的工作壓力族群其自評生活品質為最佳;而高壓力(高工作負荷-低工作控制)族群者其生活品質狀況為最差。且主動型(高工作負荷-高工作控制)的工作壓力族群的生活品質顯著較高壓力族群(高工作負荷-低工作控制)的生活品質為佳。而在社會支持方面,我們發現不論教師屬於何種工作壓力族群,其本身若具有較高的社會支持則在生活品質上均較低社會支持的生活品質為佳。 五、國中健康促進學校相關教學者對於生活品質預測上以「工作負荷」、「工作控制」對生活品質的影響最大。


This study aims to understand the current status and the relationship between job strain, social support, and quality of life among health educators in health- promoting junior high schools based on Job-Demand-Control-Social Support Model (JDCS). The dataset comes from the first year survey result of "Promoting the Health Related Professions and Life Health for Health Educator in Junior High School Using Digitized On-Line Learning System." Data analysis is carried out using 616 samples selected from 65 schools. Major results of our study are listed as follows: 1. For these health educators, the main sources of job demand are time pressure of teaching and preparing and dealing with student-related issues. In the aspect of job control, educators all agree teaching is a profession with diversity and there needs to be ongoing training. The social supports of educators mainly come from their colleagues. Overall speaking, self-evaluated quality of life reveals that educators are satisfied with their social relations and physical health. 2. Junior educators who are not pluralizing administrative tasks and teaching healthy education feel higher job demand than others. Educators pluralizing administrative task have better control on their job. In the aspect of social support, senior educators who are not pluralizing administrative task and teaching physical education get more social support. Physical education educators have highest score on self-evaluated quality of life. 3. There are obvious relations among job demand, job control, social support and quality of life. Educators who have higher job demand get worse job control, lower social support and worse quality of life. Educators who have better job controlability get better social support and quality of life. 4.Educators in the low job strain population (low job demand and high job control) get best score in quality of life. The worst quality of life is found among the high job strain population (high job demand and low job control). The quality of life of active population (high job demand and high job control) is better than high strain population (high job demand and low job control). We found that no matter what population these educators belong to, educators who have higher social support present better quality of life than educators have lower social support. 5.Two most important predictors to the quality of life for educators in health promoting junior high school are job demand and job control


朱明若、李姣姿 (2001)。全球化之下工作壓力對職工身心健康之影響及整合性的對策。台灣公共衛生雜誌,20(6),413-422。


