  • 學位論文

臺北市民辦表演藝術團隊之演奏人力資源探討 -以臺北青年管樂團為例

A study on the Human Resources in Taipei’s Non-governmental Performing Arts Organization - A Case Study of Taipei Wind Orchestra and Symphonic Band

指導教授 : 何康國


鮑莫爾與鮑溫(Baumol&Bowen)於1966年提出「成本弊病」的概念,預言教育、表演藝術及許多服務業所需的人力,並不會隨科技的進步而減少,因此相對於製造業之生產者可因科技的創新而提高個人生產力,長時間下來,表演藝術工作者的生產力並無長足進步。 相較於小型室內樂團,交響樂團、絃樂團、管樂團等需更多人力資源的表演藝術團隊,在現代所需付出之人力成本更甚,因此造成非專職團隊形成。非專職表演藝術團隊之成員的變動性及不可預測性必定比專職表演藝術團隊更高,因此在團員管理上,應更具挑戰。 本研究之個案臺北青年管樂團即為一非專職表演藝術團隊。透過深度訪談及次級資料分析等方法,期能瞭解在非專職之僱用模式下,臺北青年管樂團勞資雙方對於工作及組織型態之看法,並檢視組織型態對團隊各方面造成的影響,最後提出結論及建議。


Baumol and Bowen proposed the “cost disease” in 1966, predicting that the manpower required in education, performing arts and service industries will not decrease with technological advancements. Hence from such a perspective, the previous belief of manufacturers through technological innovations able to raise individual productivity in the long run is challenged by the lack of continual improvement in productivity by performing artists. In chamber music, symphony orchestra、string orchestra and symphonic band organizations where human resources are greatly required, current labor costs pose greater difficulties, resulting in the formation of non-professional musical groups. The volatility and unpredictability of the members in such groups are definitely higher than the professionals, posing greater challenges in human management. This is a case study of Taipei Youth Wind Orchestra, a non-professional performing arts organization. Through in-depth interview and secondary data analysis etc., the study attempts to understand under non-professional hiring conditions the employers’ and employees’ perception of work and organizational systems, the effects dealt to both parties arising from such an organizational system, finally concluding the study and giving suggestions.


潘燕貞,《社區管樂之組訓與發展─ 以城韻管樂團為例》,國立臺北藝術大學藝術與人文教育研究所碩士論文,2008年。
李宜珍,《臺北縣國小管樂團發展現況研究 ─ 以2002-2006年新莊市的小學為例》,國立臺北教育大學音樂教育學系碩士論文,2006年。
呂佳玲,《公立交響樂團的非專職人力運用 – 以國立臺灣交響樂團為例》,國立臺北藝術大學藝術行政與管理研究所碩士論文,2006年。
