  • 學位論文


Research on Performing Arts administration and management Graduates’ employment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何康國


表演藝術行政管理在臺灣實屬新興之職業類別,隨著政府近年將「文化創意產業」列為國家經濟發展重點項目,表演藝術亦致力於產業化之可能,人才的運用與素質遂成為各界關切之焦點。過去,國內表演藝術的人才培育較著重於創作及表演人才;但在現今全球創意經濟興起、自由市場的開放環境下,藝術結構也因而產生變化,極需具有藝術背景且兼具商學管理知識之跨領域人才投入,以落實產業化。臺灣自2000年起設立表演藝術行政管理高等教育學門,發展至今,畢業生的就業流向情形為何?人才培育與產業市場實際需求的適切性又是如何?值得教育單位及產業各界重視。 本研究之目的有四:一、了解臺灣表演藝術行政管理學門之教育發展與現況;二、了解相關系所畢業生就業情形;三、探討表演藝術行政管理人才培育適切性與職業發展趨勢;四、歸納提出研究結果及建議。本研究採用文獻分析法、調查研究法及深度訪談法,以臺灣表演藝術行政管理相關系所91年度-97年度畢業生作為問卷調查對象,有效問卷寄出190人,回收114人,回收率60%,再選擇5位產業界專家學者進行深度訪談。 經交叉分析研究結果,得之結論如下:一、臺灣表演藝術行政管理相關系所之發展方興未艾;二、畢業生就業情形尚佳;三、產學雙方的連結性及適切性需提出改善;四、表演藝術行政管理者需具備的核心能力趨於多元;五、產業界需重視人力資源管理;六、表演藝術行政管理職業未來趨勢值得期待。根據上述結論,分別對於各層面提出人才培育之建議如下:一、學校面:強化師資課程與產業的連結、給予學生更多的見習工作機會、定期追蹤畢業生就業流向與雇主滿意度調查;二、產業面:強化人力資本的價值及重要性之觀念,重視專業分工的運作型態、建立更完善的就業環境;三、社會面:提供人才進修的管道、提升人才的國際視野、重視文化藝術的發展與影響力;四、在學學生:認識自我特質,訂定職涯目標、深入了解產業環境、積極汲取新知、累積實務經驗、建立良好的學習及就業心態等。


Performing arts administration and management is a newly rising professional category in Taiwan. As in recent years, the government has taken the “Cultural and Creative Industry “as the key item of national economic development, and the performing arts are also committed to reach the possibility of being industrialized, the arrangement and personal capabilities has become a focus of community concern. In the past, the domestic performing arts education is rather on the creative and performing talent; but now a days, under the open environment of rising global creative economy and free market, the artistic structure has changed accordingly, and is in dire need both in artistic background and knowledge of business management of people accomplish the industrialization target. Since 2000 A.C., the higher educational academic field of performing arts administration management was established. To date, what is the employment situation of graduated? And how is the fitness of personnel training and the actual market demands? The above concern as are worthy paid attention to by educational institutions and industries. Purposes of this study are four: First, to understand the educational status and development of performing arts administration and management field; Second, to understand the employment situation of graduates from; Third, to study the fitness performing arts administration and management personnel training and career development trends; Fourth, to summarize findings and recommendations. The study used document analysis, survey research methods and in-depth interviews, to graduates of performing arts administration ang management related departments in Taiwan years 91-97 as questionnaire survey, 190 valid questionnaires sent, 114 were recovered, recovery rate 60%, and then selected five industry experts for in-depth interviews. The cross-analysis of the results obtained the following conclusions: First, the development of performing arts administration and management related departments in Taiwan are in the ascendant; Second, the employment situation of graduates comparatively good; Third, the links and fitness between industries and school need for improvements; Fourth, performing arts administrators need to have the ability to become multi-core; Fifth, industry need to focus on human resources management; Sixth, the career treads of performing arts administration and management are worthly look forward. According to the above conclusions, recommendations for training human resources at all levels: First, schools aspect to strengthen between links the teaching curriculum and industry, to give students more opportunities for studentwork to track the flow of graduates and employer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis; Second, industry aspect, to strengthen the concept of human capital value and omportance to respect theoperational pattern of professional division, and to establish better employment environment; Third, the social aspects: to provide personnel training channals to enhance the international perspective of talent to pay attention to culture and art development and influence; Forth, in school student aspect: to understand self characters, to set up career goals, to deeply understand industriel environments, to actively learn new knowledge, to accumulated practical experiences, to build up good mentality on learning and employment, and so on.




