  • 學位論文


Effects of lifestyle and exercise interventions on physical activity behavior, cognition, and physical fitness in adults

指導教授 : 卓俊伶


本研究旨在探討生活型態和健身運動介入對成年人身體活動行為、認知及體適能之影響。採準實驗設計,60位年齡介於30-60歲之成年人(40.2 ± 1.0歲),分別在生活型態組、健身運動組及控制組,密集介入三個月,並持續追蹤至第九個月。於研究開始、介入後及後續追蹤分別給予相同之身體活動行為、認知及體適能等測量。經單因子變異數分析、共變數分析及魏氏符號等級統計分析,結果發現:(一)生活型態組及健身運動組的身體活動量介入效果顯著優於控制組,該兩組的行為改變階段亦達顯著進步;(二)健身運動組的心肺適能介入效果顯著優於生活型態組及控制組;(三)生活型態組及健身運動組的身體活動量後續追蹤效果同樣的顯著優於控制組,而在行為改變階段部分,僅生活型態組達顯著進步;而自我效能及決策平衡之後續追蹤效果顯著優於健身運動組及控制組;(四)生活型態組的肌肉適能在後續追蹤效果顯著優於健身運動組及控制組。本研究結論是:對成年人而言,(一)生活型態和健身運動介入,對身體活動量及行為改變階段有提升效果;(二)健身運動介入對心肺適能有提升效果;(三)生活型態及健身運動介入對身體活動量、行為改變階段於後續追蹤有提升效果;而運動自我效能及決策平衡僅於生活型態組有提升效果;與(四)生活型態介入對肌肉適能於後續追蹤有提升效果。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of lifestyle intervention and exercise intervention on physical activity behaviour, cognition, and physical fitness in adults. Quasi design was utilized. A total of 60 middle-age adults, aged 30-60 (mean age 40.2 ± 7.6 years), were assigned to lifestyle, exercise, or control groups. Three months of intervention and six months of follow-up were conducted. Physical activity behaviour, cognition, and physical fitness were assessed at the beginning of the study, 3 months and again 9 months into the study. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, and One Way ANOVA. Results were as follows: (1) physical activity in both lifestyle and exercise groups showed significant improvement compared to control group at the end of the intervention. Stage of change in both lifestyle group and exercise group also showed significant improvement; (2) cardiorespiratory endurance in exercise group showed significant improvement compared to both lifestyle and control groups; (3) physical activity in both lifestyle and exercise groups showed significant improvement compared to control group in the follow-up assessments. Stage of change was significantly enhanced in lifestyle group only. Furthermore, both exercise self-efficacy and decision balance were significantly improved in lifestyle group compared to both exercise and control groups; and (4) muscular fitness in lifestyle group showed significant improvement in the follow-up assessments compared to both exercise and control groups. The conclusions were as follows: Among middle-aged adults, (1) both lifestyle and exercise interventions are effective in enhancing physical activity behaviour and stage of change; (2) exercise intervention is effective in improving cardiorespiratory endurance; (3) both lifestyle and exercise interventions are effective in improving physical activity behaviour and stage of change at the end of the 6-month follow-up period; while self- efficacy and decision balance were enhanced only in the lifestyle intervention group; and (4) lifestyle intervention is effective in improving the muscular fitness in the follow-up assessments.


李淑芳、李麗晶 (2010)。退化性膝關節炎運動復健之策略與模式。中華體育季刊,24(4),1-11。


