  • 學位論文


The Changing Spatial Structure of Glass Industry in HSINCHU

指導教授 : 徐進鈺


基於對地方-產業-文化的關注,思索即使玻璃工業是處於絕對劣勢的情況,但新竹玻璃在全台的工作場聚集優勢並未消逝。究竟新竹玻璃具有何種生產體系的特質、又新竹這地方具有什麼地方特色,在產業-地方互動下,形塑特殊的地方產業文化,讓供給面的運作能在消費市場利基不佳的情況,新竹玻璃在台灣仍佔要角。 故本文以「空間組織」為主軸(含括聚集區位、聚集型態和社會關係),期以論述玻璃工業地域和社會組織型態的關係,包括其生產體系特質和形塑空間組織轉化的因素、以及目前的轉化向度,並書寫新竹當前的玻璃產業發展是否潛藏隱憂。 從田野調查中發現:新竹玻璃工業的發展可劃分為五個時期(啟蒙期-茁壯期-擴散期-轉化期-產業文化期),五階段的劃分準繩,是以產品類型為前提,再思索生產體系、消費市場、地方制度是否有重大轉折,以作為劃分的破折點。再則,探究新竹玻璃目前的生產體系,發現是八種型態的生產鍊;多元的產品世界;專屬代工團的分工體制;技術擴散因組織運作的偏頗,致使廠商有知與不知的差異;玻工館的設置是新竹玻璃產業,在產業文化期後的重要導引者。 而使新竹玻璃工業空間組織轉化,未消逝在不利消費市場的機制,是制度體系的鑲嵌、業者經營管理的因應。最後歸納目前空間組織轉化的向度,是同質化的玻璃產業經驗和認知上區隔的學習區域。而這體現具備彈性專業化、垂直分工生產特質且空間聚集的地方產業,即便是向心式的產業社群型態、轉包分工的空間拓展,但卻因組織介入方式的偏頗,呈現認知上區隔的學習區域,未能有效觸動產業新知的運用和學習。 本研究認為地方產業發展窘境的跳脫,並非僅以生產成本高低審視產業外移,或以觀光化刺激產業利基,關鍵在於產業的生產體系特質、組織運作特色,和地方氛圍對產業集體次序、產品價值形塑張力的詮釋,以玆證明在全球化效益並非澤被各產業的前提,地方氛圍和產品特性是影響新竹玻璃工業空間組織轉化的要素。 再則,新竹玻璃是區隔化學習區域而之所以未閉鎖其中,是因為新竹玻璃這多元化的生產鍊各自有創新之道,即使公部門的新知是偏頗的擴散,本身又受專屬代工團體制的束縛,但仍在採購、製程、培訓和行銷上更有一套,只是如今在推動藝術化政策的前提,產生專業技術潛藏的隱憂。 其實,地方產業的發展包含各種因素、機構和活動實踐的互動關係,也是對地方產業的一種思考模式。至於,地方產業的未來發展和政策選擇之間如何有效統理,那就要體現地方氛圍和產品特質,以達地方-產業-文化的彰顯。 若往後新竹玻璃的空間組織轉化,仍一味朝向藝術化,遺漏理化學儀器玻璃製作的地方特色,削弱玻璃產品特質和地方氛圍,是不利於全球在地化的競爭型態。


Although the Glass Industry is in the absolutely inferior position, Hsinchu Glass Industry still has the advantages of agglomeration. Therefore, the research aims to tackle the interaction between the production system characteristics of Hsinchu Glass Industry, and the place feature of Hsinchu. Using the “Spatial structure” as the nucleus, the research proves the relationship between Hsinchu Glass Industry District and the style of Hsinchu social organization. That includes the characteristics of production system and the changing elements of spatial structure, and the changing direction now. Finally, the research proves the dangerous phenomenon of Hsinchu Glass Industry at present. The following conclusions are gained from the research. Hsinchu Glass Industry is divided into five periods, including the enlightening period--- the healthy and strong period--- the diffusing period--- the industrial culture period. Besides, each period has special characteristics of production system. The production system characteristics of Hsinchu Glass Industry includes eight kinds of production, the products world, the phenomenon of specially belonging to subcontract, the bias technology-spread of organization-operated, the establishment of Hsinchu Municipal Glass Museum playing an important role in the future. With the developing of disadvantage consumption environment, Hsinchu Glass Industry keeps the advantages of agglomeration, that is because the institution embedded and exactly decisions of factory owners. Recently, the changing directions of Hsinchu Glass Industry are two aspects. One is the homogenization experience of factory owners and workers. The other is the phenomenon of learning region with perceptional segmentation. The research proves the leaving embarrassment of place industry, not only considering the cost of production, or the style of tour-develop. The key point is the characteristics of industry, the feature of organization-operated, and the interaction between place milieu and the nature of industry. Key words: Hsinchu Glass, Spatial Structure, Specially Belonging to Subcontract, Learning Regional of Perceptional Segmentation.


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