  • 期刊


Applying Culture Evaluation to Investigate the Development of Hsinchu Art Glass Industry


新竹市以互玻藝節作爲事件行銷的標的,十三年來,透過七屆玻璃藝術節的舉辦,逐漸形成新竹的特色節慶。然而近年來,面對全飆節慶的熱潮與競爭,新竹市如何能將此一傳統產業。轉型爲具有高附加價值的觀光產業,正面臨嚴峻的考驗。 本主透過「永續台灣文化指標系統」作爲評估之工具,就培力、創造力、文化積累、可親性、開放性、多元共存等價值範疇以及經濟產值、總體效益等面向評估新竹玻璃藝術節的整體文化表現。 畢竟新竹玻璃藝術節只是形塑城市特色,振興玻璃產業的行銷策略之一,不應只把資源投注於比一表面的活動,而應從玻璃藝術人才的培育、博物館的經營、獎勵機制的建立,找到自己的優勢與發展方向。而在財務自給自足與核心經濟產值上,更要破除過度仰賴公部門的心態與廣發貴賓券衝人數的聖誕老公公方式,勇於開拓社會資源,創造週邊利益,建立品牌及國際行銷上多加琢磨,才能朝永績經營目標邁進。 基於過去累積的基礎與產業特色的優勢,建議新竹市政府應建構「玻璃中心主義」的城市自標管理策略,擬定玻璃藝品了長期發展計室,提出短、中、長程的行動方案與工作計室,打造新竹成爲具有魅力的玻璃文化藝術城。


With a long history of glass industry development in Hsinchu, glass represents one of the icons of Hsinchu City. Starting in 1995, Hsinchu City Government has been celebrated glass festival for more than thirteen years. The government hosts the Hsinchu International Glass Art Festival every two years; there are seven times glass festivals now. The festival is also play an important role as a mood of city marketing. The glass festival has helped the Hsinchu glass factories promoted from industry sector into art sector, and the glass workers have also promoted from master into artists. Festivals are fastest growing segments of tourism in the world. Countries and cities compete for festivals such as glass, agiculture, flowers and so on. This research applied sustainable culture index as an evaluation tool to evaluate the culture benefit of Hsinchu Glass festiveal.
