  • 學位論文

社區大學社團課程實施成效與社區意識之相關研究 -- 以台北市、台北縣為例

指導教授 : 林振春


摘 要 本研究旨在探討台北市、台北縣社區大學社團課實施成效與社區意識;並進而研究二者之關係。首先探討有關文獻,以作為研究架構及研究目的的依據,本研究目的有四: 一、探討台北市、台北縣社區大學社團課程實施成效。 二、研究台北市、台北縣社區大學社團課程學員之社區意識。 三、分析社區大學社團課程實施成效與社區意識之關係。 四、根據研究結果提出對社區大學規劃實施社團課程與後續研究之建 議。 本研究工具採自編問卷,問卷調查以台北市、縣社區大學修習社團課程學員為母群體,針對台北市、縣社區大學社團課程學員進行隨機抽樣。最後依據主要研究發現,作成結論與建議。 本研究獲得的結論如下: ㄧ、台北市、縣社區大學社團課程整體實施成效良好 二、 社區大學學員最能發揮社區學習之效果 三、 社區大學學員參與公共事務的熱情 四、志工服務是學員們修習最熱門之社團課程 五、 修習社團課程的社區大學學員屬於高社區意識 六、 社團課程實施能提升社區意識 七、 社區大學應多開設社區整合聯誼之社團課程 依據上述結論,本研究提出下列建議: ㄧ、對政府的建議 (一) 積極促成與鼓勵社區大學廣開社團課程 (二) 政府要能提供學習之後的行動出口 1 二、對社區大學建議 (ㄧ) 開設社團課程特色的生活技能課程 (二) 建置統合社區內不同組織力量的平台 三、對社區大學的學員建議 (ㄧ) 建立參與社團課程的正確思維 (二) 為建設理想社區而有計畫的選課 四、對後續研究的建議 (ㄧ) 就研究對象而言 建議後續研究可以隨機抽樣,以全部學生為對象,求樣 本的多樣與客觀性。 (二) 就研究方法而言 建議後續研究者以個案研究法研究有社團課程實施內容 形成、過程及成效因素之探討。 (三) 就研究內容而言 1、做前後對照測驗,及對於如何提昇社區意識、社團課 程如何規劃實施以達最高成效擬訂一套完整的方案。 2、可進一步探入社團課程轉化為實際社區參與的探討。 3、幫助社區大學學員願意展現社區一家親的社區親和胸襟, 以共同為社區建設盡力,營造安和樂利的友善家園。


The Research of the Implementing Effect of the Corporation Courses of the Community Universities and Their Community Consciousness in Taipei City and Taipei County Abstract Chang Rong-Huei The research aims at probing into the implementing effect of the corporation's courses of the community universities and their community consciousness in Taipei City and Taipei County, and then studies the relation between them. Firstly, probe into the relevant documents in order to be the basis of the research structure and the research purpose. There are four research goals, as follows: 1. Probing into the effect of the implement of the corporation's courses of the community universities in Taipei City and Taipei County. 2. Studying the community consciousness of the learners of the corporation's courses of the community universities in Taipei City and Taipei County. 3. Analyzing the relationship between the effect of the implement of the corporation's courses and the community consciousness of the community universities. 4. Proposing the plans of implementing corporation's courses of the community universities and the suggestions for the follow-up research according to the result of the research. The research tool adopts the questionnaire compiled by myself, and the questionnaire investigation regards the learners of the corporation's courses of the community universities in Taipei City and Taipei County as the population, and carries on the random sampling to the learners of the corporation's courses of the community universities in Taipei City and Taipei County. Finally, according to the main findings, give the following conclusions and suggestions. I. The conclusions obtained in this research are as follows: 1. The effect of the implement in the corporation's courses of the community universities in Taipei City and Taipei County is good. 2. The learners of the community universities can produce the best learning result in the community. 3. The learners of the community universities have the enthusiasm in participating in the public affairs of the community. 4. The hottest course of the corporation of the learners of the community universities is volunteer service. 5. The learners who take the corporation's courses of the community universities belong to having high community consciousness 6. The implement of the corporation's courses can promote the community consciousness. 7. The community universities should open more corporation courses that can integrate the friendship of the community. According to the above conclusions , propose the following suggestions: I. The suggestions to the government 1. Actively encouraging community universities to open more courses of the corporations. 2. The government should offer the outlet of the action after learning. II. The suggestions to the community universities 1. Encouraging community universities to open more courses of the life technical ability Encouraging community universities to open more courses with the characteristic of the corporations. 2. Establishing the platform of integrating the strength of the different organizations in the community. III. The suggestions to the learners of the community universities 1. Establishing the correct thinking of joining in the courses of the corporation. 2. In order to establish the ideal community choosing the courses of the corporation in a planned way VI. The suggestions to the follow-up study 1. As regards research objects: In order to get the variety and objectivity of the sample, propose sampling at random in follow-up study and regard the whole students as the target. 2. As regards research approaches Proposing to those who want to do the follow-up research by doing with the case study method. Studying the content formation with the implement of the corporation courses, the process, and probing into the effective factors. 3. As regards research contents (1) Contrasting between the pre-test and post-test, and drawing up an overall project of how to promote the community consciousness , and how the corporation’s courses planned and implemented to reach the highest effect. (2) Probing into the courses of the corporation to turn into the real community participation in further. (3) Helping the learners of the community universities be willing to express their kind minds of representing the community as a home in order to construct a peaceful ,fitting, and friendly hometown.




