  • 學位論文


The Effects of Solution-Focused Group Counseling on Junior high school male Students of anger

指導教授 : 陳秉華


本研究主要的目的在探討「焦點解決取向團體諮商」對於國中生生氣情緒管理的立即與追蹤輔導效果,以提供未來國中生生氣情緒管理的參考及應用。 本研究採等組前後測及追蹤測量的實驗設計,以台中縣某縣立國中十六名男生為對象,採簡單隨機分成實驗組與控制組。實驗組接受為期八週每週兩小時的實驗處理,並在四週後進行一次追蹤輔導團體,總共十八小時的實驗處理。控制組則不做任何的處理。 本研究的自變項為實驗處理。依變項為生氣事件的反應、生氣事件當場因應、生氣事件事後因應、攻擊表達生氣、壓抑生氣表達、控制生氣表達、生氣特質等。為測量依變項的實驗效果,研究者發展了以國中生為對象之「生氣事件反應量表」、「生氣因應量表」。修訂了Spielberger et al.(1985)的「生氣表達量表」與「生氣特質量表」。分別於實驗團體前、後立即施測,並於團體結束後四週實施追蹤測。所得資料分別以單因子共變數分析、百分比差異Z考驗進行統計分析以考驗實驗結果。並輔以實驗處理一週後進行的焦點團體訪談資料;以及團體歷程紀錄與研究者的觀察省思作為研究結果的佐證與補充。 本研究之主要結論如下: 一、本研究以國中男生為對象發展之「生氣事件反應量表」、「生氣因應量表」。以及修訂的「生氣表達量表」與「生氣特質量表」皆具有良好的效度與內部一致性信度與兩週後重測信度。可作為未來相關研究之參考。 二、焦點解決取向團體對國中男生生氣特質、生氣事件反應、生氣當場因應、生氣事後因應與控制生氣表達有明顯的立即效果。但對於生氣攻擊與生氣壓抑之立即輔導效果不顯著。 三、實驗處理四週後在生氣特質、生氣事件反應、生氣當場因應、生氣事後因應與控制生氣表達有明顯的追蹤效果。但對於生氣攻擊與生氣壓抑之追蹤輔導效果不顯著。 四、由團體成員實驗後一週進行的焦點團體資料分析發現,成員感受到團體提供溫暖、接納等正向的氣氛。而且焦點解決團體的未來導向、目標導向、行動導向和探索例外與成功經驗等,激發了成員改變的動機與行動力。成員在強調改變的團體氣氛中彼此分享、學習,致使在生氣管理技巧和焦點解決取向的解決問題模式上有正向改變。 五、由研究者對實驗團體過程的觀察紀錄與省思發現,本次團體遵循著融合「治療產生解決」理念的焦點解決取向精神,且依循研究者設計的團體五個階段進行,團體彈性的因應成員的需求,注意到團體的動力。協助個別成員建立目標、探索資源、選擇新而有效的行為、形成計畫並執行。成員在將行動後創造出的成功經驗在團體中分享,團體的回饋增強改變的動力,促使團體朝向改變持續的前進。 最後研究者針對結果加以討論分析,並對量表的編製、輔導實務的限制以及未來研究提出若干建議。 關鍵字:焦點解決取向 、 團體諮商 、 國中生、 生氣情緒管理


The major purposes of the research were to develop a solution-focused group counseling program and to examine the immediate and follow-up effects of solution-focused group counseling on junior high school male students of anger management. Sixteen students in the 2nd grade were randomly assigned into experiment group and control group. The eight students in experiment group were arranged to attend eight sessions of solution-focused group counseling for eight weeks and a follow-up session four weeks after the eight sessions. The control group received no treatment. The dependent variables consisted of “anger level,” “anger coping,” “anger expression,” “anger trait.” All subjects received the pretest, the posttest, and the follow-up test with the Anger Event Reaction Scale, Anger Event Coping Scale, Anger Expression Scale, Anger Trait Scale. The data were analyzed by analysis of covariance (ANCONA) and percentage difference Z-test for quantitative analysis. The result of focus group interview was used as the proof and supplements of the research results. The following conclusions were drawn from this study: 1. The results showed that solution-focused had an immediate effect on decreasing the anger level, anger-trait, positively changing anger coping , increasing anger-control. 2. A four-week follow-up analysis was also conducted. The results showed that it held follow-up effect on decreasing the anger level, positively changing anger coping, increasing anger-control. 3. From the focus-group interviews of the experiment group, it was found that the students had positive attitudes for the group and their changing process and changing results, and knew how to handle the situation of anger in the future better. 4. Compounding the idea of Therapy Generated Solutions, the experiment group was processing according to the solution-focused approach and planed five stages of group. Through discussing and practice during the counseling sessions, the members of the experiment group were able to challenge the new goals in their daily lives and to overcome their anger. Finally, suggestions from the results of this study were provided for school counselors. Some topics for future research were also indicated.


吳麗娟 (民74):理情教育課程對國中學生理性思考、情緒穩定與自我尊重之影響。國立師範大學輔導研究所碩士論文。(未出版)


