  • 學位論文


An Impact Study of the Champions Project on Junior High School Students’ Depressive Mood, Emotional Quotient and Academic Achievement


摘 要 本研究目的在探討國中一年級學生,在接受得勝者教育協會(Champions Education Association , R.O.C.)情緒管理課程的教導之後,對國中生的憂鬱情緒、情緒智力和學業成績之影響。 研究方法採便利取樣法(convenient sampling),抽取桃園縣某國中一年級參與得勝者課程的七個班學生為實驗組受試,未參與得勝者課程的七個班學生為控制組,全部共有297名受試者。在教學介入前,兩組學生皆接受「台灣版兒童青少年憂鬱量表」及「情緒智力量表」的前測。實驗組接受十週,每週45分鐘的教學,控制組為空白課或自由活動課程,十週課程結束後兩組皆進行後測,並取得上、下學期的國、英、數、三主科第三次段考成績。所得資料以共變數變異數分析ANCOVA進行量化分析。 研究結果發現,不同組別的學生,在憂鬱情緒上,未因上情緒管理課程達顯著差異;但實驗組與控制組,在憂鬱情緒的效率低落層面上,女生分數高於男生達顯著性。在情緒智力的情緒表達上,實驗組男生和控制組男生的分數達顯著性的差異,實驗組男生受情緒管理課程的影響達顯著性。在學業成績上,實驗組和控制組的成績在學期初和學期末,兩組皆達顯著性的差異,但不是因上情緒管理課程之影響。 綜合以上結果發現國中女生的憂鬱情緒在效率低落上,在學期末的分數顯著高於男生。而情緒智力方面,結果顯示得勝者情緒管理課程,確實能提升國中男生情緒智力上的情緒表達能力。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the Champions Project on seventh graders’ depressive mood, emotional quotient and academic achievement. The convenient sampling method was conducted to select subjects. Seven classes of students who participated in the Champions Project were recruited as the experimental group, while students from other seven classes were selected as the control group without any Project treatment. A total of 297 participants were involved in this study. Prior to the use of the Champions Project, both groups were pretested with Children’s Depression Inventory and EQ Chart. The experimental group received 45 minutes Champions’ Project course weekly for ten weeks. The two groups were tested after the termination of the ten Project weeks. In addition, participants’ grades on Chinese, English, Math finals of the first and second semesters were collected. The Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyze the collected data. The results indicated that the depressive moods of the participants for both groups did not have significant difference. However, the ineffectiveness category of depressive moods for female junior high school students were significantly higher than male students in both groups. The experimental group showed significant improvement than the control group on the emotional expression category of emotional quotient. Although participants’ academic performances reached significant difference between the two groups, it could not be attributed to the impacts of the Champions Project. In sum, female junior high school students had significantly higher scores than their male counterparts on the ineffectiveness category of depressive moods. However, the result showed that the Champions Project did definitely enhance male students’ ability on the emotional expression category of the emotional quotient.




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