  • 學位論文


The Impact of Network Externality's Transparency on Diffusion of Product

指導教授 : 呂德財


產品擴散(diffusion)是行銷領域中重要的研究議題之一。早期的產品擴散研究,很少將「網路外部性(network externalities)」納入產品擴散探討,且過去研究偏重將「Bass模型」加入各種變數來進行解析性研究。本研究則是應用系統模擬的研究方法,以「網路外部性透明度(network externality's transparency)」之 不同分別進行實驗。其中網路外部性透明度,本研究將其分為「連續式(continuous)透明」及「間斷式(discrete)透明」兩種。所謂連續透明度為外部性資訊可立即同步傳達給潛在消費者;間斷式透明則是累積一段期間才提供給潛在消費者。 本研究結果顯示,相較於不具網路外部性之產品擴散,具網路外部性產品的擴散過程,每消費週期之首購數量會產生上下震盪起伏的現象,且該產品的擴散成長期起點亦較提前。另外,在兩種不同透明度的實驗中,具連續式透明網路外部性之產品擴散過程,其上下震盪之幅度較間斷式透明小,且網路外部性擴散進入成長期(growth)之時間點較早。


Product diffusion is the important research subject in marketing for a long time, and Bass model always play as reference basis for the diffusion research. However the past researches focus on how to embed different variables in Bass model by analytic method. The purpose of this research is the first attempt to simulate the behavior of individual consumer through their mouth of word and then evolve the phenomenon of diffusion. The main goal is, using dynamic simulation, to explore the difference of diffusion process among products with different transparency of network externality, which we classify them “continue transparency” and “discrete transparency”, the former, we mean it as the externality information is deliver to consumer immediately as it change, where as the latter we mean it as the externality information is disclosed to consumer only for a period of time. This research results show that, the diffusion process rise and fall several times when compare to the product with no externality and its take off time is earlier. On the other hand the diffusion process of product with discrete externality rise and fall largely than the product with continuous externality, its take off time is earlier too .


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