  • 學位論文


A Study of Multi-Phase Guided Remedial Learning with Ability Indicator

指導教授 : 陳淵琮 吳育龍


在網路學習的環境中,由於師生之間缺乏面對面的互動,老師對於學生的學習狀況無法及時掌握。為了提升線上學習的學習品質,本研究提出了多面向學習行為觀察與診斷概念,透過多面向學習行為觀察與診斷概念,由學生個人的學習成就、學習行為、學習內涵等角度整合學生資訊提供給老師作為分析的參考。 在本研究中,我們發現只使用知識結構圖是無法得知此學生在於整個學習內容是否符合老師所要求之能力,所以提出以能力指標這個診斷方式。首先分析課程內容,建立該課程能力指標,並以德懷術的方式來讓數位專家學者評估指標的合適性。透過指標試題化的作法,在學生做完試卷後,可以依照不同指標對題目的配分關係,計算出該學生在各個的能力指標分數,並針對該指標分數進行分析,即可了解學生是否擁有課程中所建置的能力。 如有發現學生各指標能力不合老師所期望時,將透過本研究所提出的多階段引導式補救學習策略來輔助學生,針對各種不同程度學生,做有效的解題引導,藉由系統引導學習、分組引導討論學習、及老師補救這三種階段以循序漸進地為學生提供幫助。


In the On-Line Learning environment, teachers cannot control the learning situations in time because of the lacking interaction between teachers and students. This study proposes multidimensional learning behavior of observation and diagnosis for the concept through learning achievement, learning behavior and learning exception corresponds of a individual student with the concept of Knowledge Structure Graphs, the concept of learning portfolios and the concept of enhanced Learning. This study provides the analyzing consultation, which was integrated the information of students from several views for teachers according to this concept. Due to previous studies show evaluating student with knowledge structure is not enough, this study adopt Ability Indicators. With analyzing course content, Ability Indicators are built up, and then, evaluated by several experts with the Delphi Technique, This study uses Ability Indicator and indicator test items for diagnosing students and evaluate if students obtain the necessary ability of course. When ability of indicator items of student is failed, the student learn with the proposes strategy, Multi-phases On-line Guided Remedial Learning. The proposed strategy helps different level student with different method, including learning by self, learning with group member and learning with teacher, to help student to learning and increase the efficiency of remedial learning.


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