  • 學位論文


Set-top box and its penetration into home console market. A comparative study between Vietnam and Taiwan

指導教授 : 梁直青


隨著科技迅速發展,數位家庭概念已經深植人心,並成為設備廠商兵家必爭之地。機上盒已成為數位家庭必備設施之一。但是數位機上盒仍無法全面普及到家庭中。在越南和台灣,隨著不同民情,使用機上盒的成因各異;在台灣,願意接納數位機上盒的比例遠較越南為高。對於同樣位於東亞的台灣與越南,若台灣打算在越南推廣數位機上盒,勢必要針對兩國對於機上盒的接受程度差異背後成因加以探究。 本研究的目的是透過模型的建置,以探究關於消費者使用機上盒的接受度及他們使用後的感受與再購意願,從而幫助消費者在使用產品時能有更多好的選擇。本研究為跨國研究。透過問卷調查來檢驗模型,筆者在越南發出400多份問卷調查和在台灣也發出400多份問卷調查,經收集、整理后將通過統計軟體來處理與驗證數據,最後根據統計結果提出科學可靠的結論。 這項研究修正了科技接受度模型(UTAUT)和忠心度模型(PVL),並提出新科技設備接受模型(NTDA)和科技忠誠度模型(TEL)來探究消費者購買前是否有使用意向以及購買后今後是否仍有再次購買的意向。對於購買前的消費者考量,本文通過NTDA模型7個變數性能預期(PE),效能預期(EE),社會影響(SI),競爭產品 (CP),價格(PRI),促銷(PRO)和行為意向(BI),以探究消費者願意使用機上盒的意向。至於購買之後是否仍會再次使用的部分,本文通過HTEL模型8個變數:有用性(UF),易用性(FE),連線力(CN),靈活性(AF),應用程式研發(AD),遊戲經驗(GE),應用價格(AP)和購後優待(PPP),來分析成因。本研究結果驗證出,PE, EE, SI, CP, PRI, PRO確實對“消費者是否有使用機上盒意向”有直接的關係。同樣,UF, FE, CN, AF, AD, GE, AP, PPP也是影響到顧購買后是否仍然會有再次使用意向的因素。


Nowadays, with the rapid changes of technology, set-top box has become a useful Home Console device. However, the number of people who have experienced set-top box is still low in Vietnam and Taiwan. In Taiwan, it seems that set-top box has been more well-known compared to Vietnam for recent years. For the countries which are closely located in the east of Asia, why is this difference available and why is the comparison between these countries needed? It’s worth studying. The purpose of this paper is to build the research models in order to study about the acceptance to use set-top box as a new technology product and the feeling of customer after using it, then help customer have more good choices when intending to use technology products. This study’s research model is to propose hypotheses and then use the survey to demonstrate them. A multinational comparison was conducted. Author has taken the survey of more than 400 samples in Vietnam and more than 400 samples in Taiwan, after that used statistical software to analyze the data and finally presented consistent conclusion. Based on the structure of Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT) and Perceived Value and Loyalty model (PVL), author developed two new models, New Technology Device Acceptance model (NTDA) and Technology Experience and Loyalty model (TEL) in order to investigate the customer use intention (before purchase) and reuse intention (after purchase) set-top box. For “before purchase” section, this research combines the variables “performance expectancy (PE)”, “effort expectancy (EE)”, “social influence (SI)”, “competitive product (CP)”, “price (PRI)”, “promotion (PRO)” and “behavioral intention (BI)” in NTDA model to reflect consumer intention to use set-top box. Likewise, for “after purchase” section, this research combines the variables “usefulness (UF)”, “facilitating effect (FE)”, “connectedness (CN)”, “access flexibility (AF)”, “application development (AD)”, “game experience (GE)”, “application price (AP)” and “post purchase promotion (PPP)” in TEL model to reflect consumer intention to reuse set-top box. The results indicate that have the positive influence of PE, EE, SI, CP, PRI, PRO and BI on customer use intention (UI). Similarly, the positive influences of UF, FE, CN, AF, AD, GE, AP and PPP on customer reuse intention (RI) are indicated as well.


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