  • 學位論文


The Study of Facebook Check-in Behavior Model in Tourist Place

指導教授 : 郭彰仁


近年來許多社群網站的興起成為新興的社會現象,Facebook位居台灣社群網站之首,其中於2010年推出的地標功能(Facebook Place)之打卡服務(Check-in)更成為熱門話題,吸引許多人一到觀光景點、商家、影院等地方都會透過行動電話進行定點打卡,與Facebook的朋友分享自己的地標,進而產生社交互動、交流,衍生出口耳相傳的印象,並造成了地標打卡的風潮。打卡行為除了是在社群網站Facebook上自我揭露訊息與他人互動之外,更必須要藉由行動電話或電腦,以及網站或第三方應用程式等科技產品的使用,回顧過去文獻發現,使用者持續使用地標打卡在心理滿足感的部分,炫耀是自我揭露地標相關資訊時可以獲得的效益之一。因此本研究欲將計畫行為理論與科技接受模型結合,以這兩個理論為基礎加上炫耀性,進而建構並解釋Facebook使用者的打卡行為模式。冀望分析後能將資料提供給網站設計人員與旅遊觀光相關單位,據以發展行銷策略,以利觀光旅遊產業的經濟發展,並提供後續研究參考。 本研究於民國105年3月25日至5月30日止,發放網路問卷,共得有效問卷223份,主要以結構方程模式進行路徑分析。在整體受試者模式中經實證結果顯示:(1)知覺易用性顯著正向影響其知覺有用性(t=4.43, p<0.001);(2)知覺有用性顯著正向影響其使用態度(t=6.03, p<0.001);(3)知覺易用性對其使用態度無顯著影響關係;(4)知覺娛樂性顯著正向影響其使用態度(t=6.04, p<0.001);(5)使用態度顯著正想影響其行為意圖(t=6.78, p<0.001);(6)主觀規範顯著正向影響其知覺娛樂性(t=8.74, p<0.001);(7)主觀規範顯著正向影響其行為意圖(t=2.99, p<0.001);(8)知覺行為控制顯著正向影響其行為意圖(t=4.18, p<0.001);(9)炫耀性顯著正向影響其使用態度(t=6.82, p<0.001)。


社群網站 地標功能 打卡 自我揭露 炫耀


Nowadays, many social networks have sprung up to become a new social phenomenon. Facebook is the No 1 spot in social networking web sites in Taiwan. Launched in 2010, a Facebook check-in service has gained attention and has become a hot issue, and attracted users to check in at tourist attractions, shops, or even theaters from smartphones to share their places with friends on Facebook; it has generated a new form of social interaction that may drive a new image orally and caused new trend for the check-in place. The users use check-in service for self-disclosure messages and interaction with friends on Facebook by using hi-tech products, such as smartphones, computers, websites, or apps. By literature review, one of the benefits that Facebook users have constantly used check-in service is to satisfy themselves and to show themselves off by disclosing their locations. Thus, the study combined theory of planned behavior (TPB)and technology acceptance model (TAM). Based on these two theories, conspicuous consumption was added to construct and explain Facebook users’ check-in behavior. Hopefully, the results of the study can be useful for websites designers and the related units for market development strategy and tourism development, and for further researchers. The questionnaires were conducted from Mar 25 to Mar 30, in 2016 online, and 223 valid copies were collected. A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was applied to analyze the data. The results of the study using SEM showed that (1) perceived ease of use has positive influence on perceived usefulness (t=4.43, p<0.001), (2) perceived usefulness has positive influence on users’ attitude toward behavior (t=6.03, p<0.001), perceived ease of use has no significant influence on users’ attitude toward behavior, (4) perceived enjoyment has positive influence on users’ attitude toward behavior (t=6.04, p<0.001), (5) users’ attitude toward behavior has positive influence on behavioral intention (t=, p<0.001), (6) subjective norm has positive influence on perceived enjoyment (t=8.74, p<0.001), (7) subjective norm has positive influence on behavioral intention(t=2.99, p<0.001), (8) perceived behavior control has positive influence on behavioral intention(t=4.18, p<0.001), and (9) conspicuity has positive influence on users’ attitude toward behavior (t=6.82, p<0.001).


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