  • 學位論文


The effect to advertising attitude of different products naming type, advertising appeal,and picture type.

指導教授 : 林建煌


根據Grice (1975)的「對話隱涵」(conversational implicature)理論,推得消費者對於不常見的顏色或香味命名會產生較高的好感,因為他們預期不常見的顏色或香味命名為一種行銷訊息用來傳遞有用的資訊。如果這種訊息並不是有益的或並沒有與預期一致時,消費者會找出理由來解釋差異,而尋找的過程將產生正面有利的反應。 近年來,產品的命名越來越有特殊化的趨勢,行銷實務上產品命名特殊化的例子層出不窮,特殊的產品命名是否可增強消費者的廣告態度,是否驗證Grice (1975)的「對話隱涵」理論,對消費者產生正面有利的反應。本研究希冀能就產品命名類型發展出相關的研究,更有助於行銷人員在行銷策略上的抉擇和應用。 本研究採用網路問卷法,以中央大學大學部與研究所在籍學生為主要問卷發放對象,共蒐集240份有效問卷。將產品命名類型分類為典型性和具體性,並將典型性兩種(非典型的/典型的產品命名)、廣告文字訴求兩種(理性/感性訴求)和廣告圖片類型兩種(心像化與實體呈現)三者進行2×2×2=8組的實驗設計。同時,也將產品命名類型具體性兩種(非具體的/具體的產品命名)、廣告文字訴求兩種(理性/感性訴求)和廣告圖片類型兩種(心像化與實體呈現)三者進行2×2×2=8組的實驗設計。綜合上述,共有8+8=16組的實驗組。每組實驗皆包含「實體產品」與「無形服務」兩項子研究,回收問卷後,分別以ANOVA變異數分析進行假設之驗證,研究結果顯示: 一、無論在實體產品或是無形服務下,「非典型」和「非具體」的產品命名相較於「典型」和「具體」的產品命名,能使消費者產生較佳的廣告態度。 二、在產品種類為「實體產品」下,在「非典型」的產品命名類型下,「心像化圖片」類型會較佳。在「典型」的產品命名類型下,「實體呈現圖片」類型會較佳。而在產品命名具體性類別下,產品命名與廣告圖片呈現並未產生顯著交互作用。當產品種類為「無形服務」下,產品命名典型性與廣告圖片呈現未產生顯著交互作用。在產品命名為「非具體」類型下,「實體呈現」類型會較佳,而在「具體」的產品命名類型下,「心像化圖片」類型會較佳。 三、在產品類型為「實體產品」時,「感性文字訴求」類型較能增強消費者對產品的想像和廣告態度,不受產品命名類型的影響。在產品類別為「無形服務」時,在「非典型」和「非具體」的產品命名類型下,以「理性文字訴求」搭配為佳,而產品命名類型為「典型」和「具體」時,運用「感性文字訴求」較佳。 四、在產品類型為「實體產品」時,只有產品命名「典型性」、廣告文字訴求與廣告圖片呈現產生顯著的交互作用。而在「無形服務」下,只有產品命名「具體性」、廣告文字訴求與廣告圖片呈現產生顯著的交互作用。 五、就不同產品種類而言,當產品類型為「實體產品」時,廣告圖片大多以加強的方式刺激消費者對產品的好感;且「感性文字訴求」類型較能增強消費者對實體產品的想像和正面情緒。最後,唯有是否具有典型性的產品命名可以帶給消費者新的觀點和好感,較能使消費者在廣告態度上產生顯著差異。而當產品類型為「無形服務」時,無論圖文大部分是以互補的方式彌補消費者對命名的不確定性。無形服務本身具備的多重類型和不確定性,可能是使得命名具體性、文字訴求和廣告圖片呈現彼此互補且顯著影響的主因。


Building on Grice’s (1975) theory of ''conversational implicature'', we propose that consumers will react favorably to unusual names because they expect marketing messages to convey usual information. If the message is not informative or does not conform to expectations, consumers search for the reason for the deviation. This search results in additional (positive) attributions about the product, and thus, a more favorable response. In recent years, ambiguous naming strategies of products have been the tendency. This research hopes to find if the special or ambiguous product naming type can strengthen consumers’ advertising attitude, to develope out relevant and further research on the special and ambiguous product naming type, and to contribute to marketing personnel''s choice and application on the marketing naming strategies. This research adopts the questionnaire law of the network, and using college and graduate students at National Central University as respondents. Independent variables were the products naming type of typicality (Atypical / Typical), advertising appeal (emotional /rational appeal), and picture type (visualization /physical representation).There were 2×2×2 =8 groups of experimental design. At the same time, independent variables were the products naming type of specificity (Unspecific/Specific), advertising appeal (emotional /rational appeal), and picture type (visualization /physical representation).There were also 2×2×2 =8 groups of experimental design. So there were 8+8=16 groups of experimental design in this study. Every experiment group includes two sub studies: ''the entity products'' and'' the intangible service''. This study explores the potential effects of products naming type, picture types and advertising appeals in print media on advertising attitude for two product category. After retrieving 240 effective questionnaires, and using ANOVA analysis. The conclusions are as follows: 1.No matter under the entity products or the intangible service, ''Atypical'' and ''Unspecific'' product naming type will get better advertising attitude than '' Typical '' and '' Specific '' product naming type for consumers. 2.When the product category is the entity products and the product naming type is ''Atypical '', '' Visualization '' picture type will get better advertising attitude relatively. When the product category is the entity products and the product naming type is ''Typical '', '' Physical Representation '' picture type will get better advertising attitude relatively. Under the naming type of specificity, product naming type and picture type do not have interaction on advertising attitude. When the product category is the intangible service, the naming type of typicality and picture type do not have interaction on advertising attitude. If the product naming type is '' Unspecific '', '' Physical Representation '' picture type will get better advertising attitude relatively. And if the product naming type is ''Specific'', '' Visualization '' picture type will get better advertising attitude relatively. 3.When the product category is the entity products, and no matter under which naming type, ''Emotional Appeal'' can relatively strengthen consumers’ imagination of the products and advertising attitude. When the product category is the intangible service, and products naming type is '' Atypical '' and '' Unspecific '', '' Rational Appeal'' results in higher levels of advertising attitude. And if products naming type is '' Typical '' and ''Specific '', it is relatively good to use '' Emotional Appeal ''than '' Rational Appeal''. 4.Under the entity products, only the naming type of typicality, advertising appeal, and picture type significantly influence the consumers’ advertising attitude. Under the intangible service, only the naming type of specificity, advertising appeal, and picture type significantly influence the consumers’ advertising attitude. 5.Regarding different product categories, picture type of the entity products mostly stimulate the consumer advertising attitude by the way of strengthening. And '' Emotional Appeal'' can relatively strengthen consumer''s imagination and positive emotion to the products. Only the naming type of typicality can bring the new opinion to consumers, and can significantly influence the consumers’ advertising attitude. Under the intangible service, no matter the picture type or advertising appeal, mostly remedies the consumers’ uncertainty to the naming type by the way of complementation. And the multiple type and uncertainty of the intangible service are the main reason that the naming type of specificity, advertising appeal, and picture type form the complement to each other and significantly influence the advertising attitude.


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