  • 學位論文


Agricultural market business operation 248 Agricultural market case study

指導教授 : 邱慈觀


地球暖化與生態環境破壞,危及人類的生存的農業問題。台灣糧食産銷結構失調,WTO市場開放的衝擊,農民承受高風險生產與低報酬回饋的經營困境。各國重視有機農業的政策發展,提倡在地食物系統,各地農夫市集陸續成立,串聯生產與消費的產銷鏈結。本研究以248農學市集為研究的對象,並以Hamel 學者的經營管理模式探討,透過訪談與觀察市集如何理念與價值觀推廣、市集發展歷程、組織架構、在地食物網絡以及經營運作。 本研究結果發現248 農學市集為推廣在地小農理念及農產品的溝通平台,拉近都市與鄉村的產銷連結,改變農友的角色,拓展多元的合作且穩定的銷售機會。研究結果與建議,加強空間規劃完善、加強教育扎根宣導、加速產銷機制的運作、運用資訊系統架構綿密體系、整合資源並策略聯盟、爭取政府或企業提供可利用空間使用等,期待經由個案的研究,有利掌握市集經營關鍵,規劃出在地化特色,並能受到公私部門的重視,期盼提升市集的社會責任及綠色品牌的提升,提供國內相似脈絡的農夫市集的營運建議與發展。


Global warming and ecological destruction are two of the biggest threats to the agricultural industry and to human existence. Structural imbalance of food production and marketing, the impact of opening the market by joining the WTO, and the high production risk and low return faced by farmers are just some of the difficulties that the industry is facing in Taiwan today. The many countries placing more importance to the development of organic agriculture policies, the promotion of local sourcing, the establishing of farmers markets, and the linking between production and consumption. This study uses the 248 Agriculture Market as the object, using Hamels management model, to explore the promotion of the market’s core values, the history of the market, its organizational structure, and its business model The results of the study found that 248 Market acts as a place to promote small-land farmers, a platform to for communications between the farmers and the customers. It also reduces the distance between the urban and rural gap, changing the roles of the farmers, and expand cooperation in diverse and stable sales opportunities. This study concludes and recommends the strengthen space planning to improve and strengthen support for education advocacy , accelerate sales operation mechanism, the use of information systems architecture dense system, integration of resources and assist the government agricultural policy and the integration of resources and strategic alliances, etc. Based on this study, it is advantageous to master critical operating market, planning the localization features, and be subject to public and private sector attention, looking forward to enhance social responsibility and market’s green brand promotion, providing advice and development of the domestic operations of the farmers' markets in the future.


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