  • 學位論文


A study of the effects of health-related physical fitness was influenced by various obesity among the people living in Chia-Yi district

指導教授 : 林晉榮


本研究主要是探討肥胖程度對其健康體適能影響因素之分析。研究採取立意取樣,受試者為嘉義地區99年度國民體能檢測對象,共計1773位。研究工具為身高體重計、皮尺、坐姿體前彎計、節拍器、35公分高木箱,分別針對身體質量指數、腰圍、臀圍、仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、心肺指數進行測量。本研究統計方法採用敘述統計、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式,進行健康體適能、肥胖程度概況描述,分析不同背景變項對健康體適能影響的差異性,以及健康體適能對其肥胖程度影響因素結構方程模式建立,獲得的研究結果如下: 一、 嘉義地區居民身體過重與肥胖比率為29.7%和19.4%。 嘉義地區居民99年度健康體適能概況若對照行政院勞工委員會衛生安全研究所體適能常模,年輕男性體重略胖、仰臥起坐表現佳、心肺指數表現中等,以及坐姿體前彎表現略差;年輕女性體重略胖、仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、心肺指數表現中等。年長男性體重適當、仰臥起坐表現中等或略差、坐姿體前彎表現略差、心肺指數表現中等;年長女性體重適當、仰臥起坐表現中等、坐姿體前彎表現略差、心肺指數表現中等。 二、 嘉義地區居民99年度在不同背景變項之體適能比較分析結果,以不同年齡層比較,身體質量指數、腰圍、腰臀圍比,年長者明顯遞增;仰臥起坐,肌力肌耐力則是年輕者比年長者表現較好;三分鐘登階心肺耐力則是年長者比年輕者表現較好。以不同性別比較,男性在身體質量指數方面比女性數值較大,男性肌力表現優於女性,女性柔軟度表現則優於男性。以不同職業比較,職業方面為學生或靜態工作者的心肺適能表現比勞力工作者差,勞力工作者的肌力表現比學生或靜態工作者差。 三、 居民肥胖者除了體重超重、腰圍過大之外,同時還存在腹肌肌力、柔軟度、心肺適能低落或不足的情形。 四、 模式檢定卡方值為0.018(p=0.991)、RMR為0.001、RMSEA<0.001、GFI為1、AGFI為1,顯示達良好適配度,意即結構方程模式適切地解釋了肥胖的變因。健康體適能對肥胖有顯著影響,而仰臥起坐正是健康體適能的關鍵構面。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of health-related physical fitness was influenced by different obesity levels. The study was designed with purposive sampling and 1773 subjects who living in Chia-Yi County were recruited in 2010. The instrument was applied by scales and wood-box. The data was analyzed by the statistics of frequencies, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, and structural equation model in order to find out the situations between the health-related physical fitness and obesity, and which with demographic variables such as sex, age, occupations, salary. Furthermore building up the health-related physical fitness model (SEM). The results were showed as following: 1. The percentage of overweight and obesity in Chia-Yi district were 29.7% and 19.4% respectively. According to the CLA norm of physical fitness, the young men: over- body weight; body mass index (BMI), curl up, flexibility, cardiac index were good conditions; abdominal muscle strength and cardiac fitness were in the normal status but flexibility was poor. The physical fitness of young women was over- body weight; strength, flexibility, and cardiac fitness were in the normal status. For elderly men, normal body weight, poor abdominal muscle strength, poor flexibility, and normal cardiac fitness; for elderly women, those were normal body weight, normal abdominal muscle strength, poor flexibility, and normal cardiac fitness. 2. The result of analyzing physical fitness in different demography of Chia-Yi resident was as following: the elderly group was higher BMI, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio than the younger group; abdominal muscle strength was lower than younger group. With different gender: the men were higher BMI and abdominal muscle strength than the women; the women were more good flexibility than the men. With different occupation, the students and the sedentary staff were lower the cardiac fitness than labor group. 3. Over- body weight and higher waist circumference, the abdominal muscle strength, the flexibility, and the cardiac fitness were showed in lower conditions in the Chai-Yi district. 4. A model χ2 value of 0.018 (P=0.991), RMR 0.001, RMSEA less than 0.001, GFI =1, and AGFI = 1 for a goodness of fit test indicates that the derived structural equation model appropriately accounted for the variation of obesity. The health-related physical activity had significant effects between obesity and the curl-up, which that was the critical component for the health-related physical activity.


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