  • 學位論文


To Improve Active Learning Attitude on Learning Management System

指導教授 : 游寶達


隨著網路普及以及網路速度的提升,傳輸高畫質教學影片不再是難事,影音教材更能引起學生的學習意願,也比傳統靜態教材更容易讓學生在家自學。因此e-Learning的興起改變了以往傳統的學習方式,而這也意味著教學管理平台Learning Management System (LMS) 扮演著重要的角色。根據杜威的做中學理論(Doing by learning),學習(Learning)的要素是由體驗(Experience)和回饋(Reflect)所組成,因此一個好的教學管理平台,它的功能必須概括學生對於課程的體驗與回饋。 Moodle是一個開放原始碼而且免費的一個教學管理平台軟體,它是目前被全世界廣泛使用的教學管理平台。由於Moodle提供簡單良好的外掛開發機制,可以讓開發者輕易地透過開發Moodle外掛的方式來擴充教學管理平台的功能,再加上完整的Web Service API支援,可以讓開發者輕易的開發Moodle相關的APP。因此我們選擇Moodle系統,並且開發Android APP,同時可以改善學生在e-Learning上的學習態度,也可讓老師知道學生在APP上學習教材的紀錄。最後建置一套在學習平台及行動載具之間的完整學習環境,以具體改善教師的教學品質及提升學生之學習品質。




With the general of the Internet and the enhancement of network speed, the transmission of high-quality teaching videos is no longer difficult. Multimedia materials arouse students’ willingness to learn, and make easier for students to study at home than traditional static materials. Therefore, the rise of e-Learning has changed the traditional way of learning in the past, and it also means that Learning Management System (LMS) plays an important role. According to Dewey's theory “Doing by learning”, Learning is made of Experience and Reflect. Thus, the function of a good LMS must involve the experience and feedback of students for courses. Moodle is a LMS which is an open and free software. Since Moodle provides a simple and good development mechanism of plugin, it allows developers to easily extend new feature on Moodle by developing plugins. Moodle provides complete support of Web Service API such that it allows developers to easily design their own APPs to communicate with Moodle. So, we chose using Moodle system and develop APP to let students who can learn by themselves self-regulated. In addition, it is not only the learning attitude of students on e-Learning which can be improved, but also teachers know how to analyze the behavior of the students with our design APP.


Active Learning LMS Moodle


[5] National Academy for Educational Research, http://terms.naer.edu.tw/detail/1678797/
[13] Introducing JSON, http://json.org/
[14] Application programming interface (API) , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface
[24] Moodle Web services API , https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Web_services_API#Overview
[1] Active learning, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_learning
