  • 學位論文


A Study of How A Community-Based Enterprise (CBE) Achieves Social and Economic Maintenance in Taiwan:Taking the Longyan-Lin Welfare Association As an Example

指導教授 : 官有垣


近年全球皆面臨經濟不景氣,大眾捐款短少,政府財政也逐漸趨向保守,福利支出減少,以往依賴政府補助提供福利服務的社區組織開始面臨財政上的困難。然而社區組織為解決就業率、人口外移、老化等問題,開始運用商業化的經營方式發展當地特色,以支持社區的永續發展,因而產生了社會企業的運作型態。社區型社會企業即是指以企業家精神追求社區共同利益,透過治理與管理的手段追求社會與經濟目標,為得是產生可持續性的團體利益。然而許多研究也指出,社區型社會企業的發展與在地社區的社會資本有緊密的關係,社區運用社會資本使其達成特定目標。 本研究以龍眼林福利協會為研究對象,企圖了解台灣社區型社會企業如何維繫社會與經濟雙重目標、發展現況,以及與社會資本、資源動員的關係。透過政策背景與發展脈絡,了解社區型社會企業的發展與社區、重大天然災害的重建有密切關係,並且透過勞動部多元就業開發方案的支持,對社區的人力與經費上提供許多助益。龍眼林協會是1999年921大地震後的重建組織,發展至今已十五年,在發展過程中首先提供送餐服務,主要延續災後共同開伙的理念。隨著時光流逝,協會體認到永續發展的重要性,因而開始希望透過社區在地產業與特色達到自給自足的目標,協會透過產銷營運來支持社區內的福利服務,使得服務能永續發展,照顧社區每一位居民,實踐社會與經濟雙重目標。 而研究發現龍眼林福利協會確實在實踐社會企業,無論是承擔商業風險、進行商業活動、公民志願性組成上皆是,而透過產銷營業的經營,也確實有助於協會永續發展,故相當符合社區型社會企業的型態。然而協會的發展雖感覺較緩慢,但都是具有規劃再行動的。協會在整體運作上,強調社會目標重於經濟目標,並認為經濟目標僅是支持社會目標的手段之一,但也可以發現兩目標間是相當緊密的。協會員工及社區人士認同協會理念,因此願意付出、貢獻、共同討論,都是期望使社區發展得更好。最後在研究中可以發現,社區內的凝聚力、歸屬感、社會網絡相互連結,且散布在社區各個層面,然而透過社會資本的累積,使得資源動員上能有所依據,因此社會資本與資源動員是社區型社會企業發展過程中不可或缺的元素。


With a global economic downturn in recent years, the amount of donation from the public as well as the subsidies from government departments decreases by degrees. For this reason, community-based NPOs that used to rely on government grants to provide welfare services are now facing financial difficulties. To solve problems such as unemployment, brain-drain, or population aging, these community-based NPOs start to apply business strategies and models of commercialization of local features with a view to facilitating the sustainability of the communities. Further, these NPOs are referred to as social enterprises. Community-based enterprises (CBEs) are organizations that operate with entrepreneurship and aim at the actualization of social purposes of the community. They strive to yield sustainable collective interest as well as social and economic outcomes through administration and management. Nonetheless, many studies show that there is a close relationship between the development of CBEs and the social capital of the local communities. In other words, CBEs utilize their social capital to achieve certain purposes. Examining the Longyan-Lin Welfare Association, the present research attempts to understand: 1) the approaches used by Taiwanese CBEs to achieve social and economic maintenance, 2) the current situation of these CBEs, and 3) the relationship between CBEs and social capital as well as resource mobilization. Through the background knowledge of the policy, it is comprehended that there is an inseparable relationship between the progress of CBEs and the community along with the reconstruction after natural disasters. In addition, with the financial and manpower supports from the multiple employment programs of the Ministry of Labor, residents of community benefit greatly as well. Established after the 921 Earthquake in 1999, the Longyan-Lin Welfare Association is an NPO aiming at facilitating the reconstruction, and it has been 15 years ever since it was founded. At the beginning, this association provided meals with home-delivered service, which intended to extend the concept of dining together after the disaster. As time went by, the Longyan-Lin Welfare Association realized the importance of sustainability, and thus wished to achieve the goal of self-sufficiency through local industries and features of the community. To date, this association supports the welfare services in the community with production and operation management, enabling the services to become sustainable so as to take good care of every member of the community, advancing both social and economic outcomes. The findings of the present research show that the Longyan-Lin Welfare Association is indeed a CBE, for it takes on the business risks, conducts commercial activities, and is initiated by a group of citizens. Further, its production and operation management also opens its door for sustainability. Thus, it is evident that the Longyan-Lin Welfare Association fulfills the requirements of CBE. Also, compared to the economic outcomes, the social ones are reckoned more valuable, for the economic aspect is only regarded as one of the supporting strategies that are utilized to reinforce the social goal. Still, it is apparent that these two goals are closely attached to each other. All the members of the association and the community appreciate the belief of the association, and thus are willing to contribute and take part in the discussions, hoping to better this community. In the end of the research, it is found that the solidarity and social networks are tightly connected to each other and widely spread throughout every aspect of the community. What’s more, the resource mobilization can be determined with the accumulation of social capital. It is therefore concluded that both social capital and resource mobilization are the indispensables during the progress of CBEs.




