  • 學位論文

改善企業組織跨文化溝通 ─ 以在越南之台灣企業為例

Improving Intercultural Communication in the Cooperation Organizations - A case study on Taiwanese Organizations in Vietnam

指導教授 : 陳啟政 博士


找到在自己以外的國家運營的許多企業管理者是企業行銷全球化的要求。留住外籍人士是具有全球業務的多國公司(MNCs)的困難。據估計,在外派任務之人士估計有10-80%回國過早。外籍人士的居留不長其中一個原因一直被認為是這些經理和/或他們的配偶無力適應東道國的文化。越南和臺灣之間的經濟關係已經建立了幾十年。事實上,越南是臺灣最重要的市場之一。大部分臺灣公司位於越南的子公司或合資企業或業主公司。因此,臺灣和越南之間的跨文化溝通的問題一直受到關注,這並不奇怪。 這項研究的重點是越南和臺灣的個人和團隊之間的互動與合作,通過文化理論的視野,包括價值取向,跨文化溝通和跨文化經營的行為。本研究著手探索和面對越南和臺灣的個人和團隊合作的挑戰提出報告,並發展出這兩個國家的人民之間的未來合作的想法。本文提出了一種質性研究代表並討論了調查中的越南和臺灣之間勞動力的互動溝通行為的調查結果 調查結果。這項調查是在49台公司與越南和臺灣員工進行了越南合作,與代表探討兩個民族的個體之間相互作用的跨文化的目的。 研究闡明在越南和臺灣人民之間的文化特色和團隊協作的風格很多不同之處。這些差異有潛在創造出障礙,但也許更重要的是,這些差異顯然也可以成為依賴于跨文化意識,能力和反思走向新的思路和所涉及的個人觀點職場優勢。文章的結論是,個人和團隊,越南和臺灣應該追求實現其他文化的更廣泛和更深入的理解與著眼於提高個人之間的合作互動為目標的過程。結果表明,不同類型的跨文化培訓的外籍人士的影響“的調整,提高臺灣企業在越南的跨文化溝通的有效性。


跨文化溝通 商務溝通 跨文化 越南 臺灣


The demands of marketing globalization find many business managers operating in countries other than their own. Multinational corporations (MNCs) are having difficulty retaining expatriates for their global operations. It is estimated that 10–80% of expatriates sent on foreign assignments return home prematurely. One of the reasons for expatriates’ failure has been cited as the inability of these managers and/or their spouses to adapt to the host-country’s culture. The economic relationship between Vietnam and Taiwan has been established for several decades. In fact, Vietnam is one of the most important markets for Taiwan. Most of the Taiwan companies located in Vietnam are subsidiary companies or joint ventures or owner companies. Thus, it is not surprising that the issue of intercultural communication between the Taiwanese and the Vietnamese has gained attention. This research focuses on interaction and cooperation between Vietnamese and Taiwanese individuals and teams through lenses of cultural theory, including values orientations, intercultural communication and cross-cultural business behaviors. The research set out to discover and report on cooperation challenges faced by Vietnamese and Taiwanese individuals and teams, and to develop ideas for future cooperation between people from these two nations. This paper presents a qualitative and quantitative study which represents and discusses the survey results of investigating the communication behavior among interacting between Vietnamese and Taiwanese workforces. The survey was conducted with Vietnamese and Taiwanese employees in forty nine Taiwan Company worked in Vietnam, with the purpose of exploring intercultural interactions between individuals representing the two nationalities. The research illuminated many differences in cultural characteristics and teamwork styles between Vietnamese and Taiwanese people. These differences have the potential for creating barriers, but perhaps more importantly, these differences clearly can also become advantages in the workplace depending on the intercultural awareness, competence and reflexivity toward new ideas and perspectives of the involved individuals. The paper concluded that individuals and teams, both Vietnamese and Taiwanese should pursue a course of attaining a broader and deeper understanding of the other culture with the goal of focusing on improving cooperative interaction between individuals. The results show that different types of cross-cultural training affect expatriates’ adjustment and improve effectiveness of intercultural communication in Taiwan companies in Vietnam.


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