  • 學位論文


The Promotion of Competitive Advantage of Recreational Agriculture in Taiwan - An Application of Diamond Theory

指導教授 : 段兆麟


休閒農業是一個因應時代需求而生的新興產業,將農業資源運用於休閒遊憩活動,滿足遊客的需求,增加農民收入,而提升農業的價值。其內容涵蓋農業、農民、農村合稱「三農」及結合生產、生活、生態合稱「三生」的精義,而形成以「生命」為基礎的綜合性體驗農業。本研究首次採用「產業競爭力」概念,以「鑽石理論」為基礎,訂定「供給條件」、「企業策略結構與競爭」、「相關支援產業」、「需求條件」、「機會」與「政府」6大主要評估指標,並參酌台灣與其他國家休閒農業產業的特色與研究文獻,據以研訂量化方法與22項次要評估指標。 本研究以問卷方式,針對產、官、學三個樣群實施調查,經過模糊德菲法與層級分析法兩階段的問卷研析,發現在「鑽石理論」的六項主要評估指標中,「供給條件」對提升台灣休閒農業競爭優勢最為重要,「企業策略結構與競爭」次之。由此可知,休閒農場本身的條件,包括員工專業知能與技術、資本與信用、員工教育訓練、管理者的願景與領導能力等,是提升台灣休閒農業競爭優勢的最主要條件。在次要指標方面,本研究採用整體權重值排序前6項的次要指標,包括「願景與領導能力」、「領導角色與創新者」、「提升服務品質」、「員工專業知能與技術」、「農本營運規劃」與「促進休閒農業升級」,做為提升台灣休閒業競爭優勢的參考指標。無論對休閒農場發展、休閒農場經營、政府輔導或願景擬訂方面,在管理層面上,均有重要的意涵。 本研究最後依據實証結果,針對產、官、學界提出六項建議,包括擬訂願景(Shared vision)、自我超越(Surpass)、提升顧客滿意度(Satisfaction)、專業化整合(Specialized integration)、善用資源(Support)與安全管理(Safety management),以上歸納為6S策略,對提升台灣休閒農業的競爭優勢將有所助益。


Recreational Agriculture is an emerging industry which surges to meet the needs of times. It makes good use of agriculture resources in leisure activities, meets the needs of tourists, increases farmers’ income, and enhances the value of agriculture. Recreational Agriculture also retains particular characteristics, such as production, livelihood, ecology, agriculture, farmers and rural, in order to form comprehensive experience in life-based agriculture. This study, for the first time in Recreational Agriculture, applied 6 factors of Diamond Theory including Factor conditions; Demand conditions; Related and supporting industries; Firm strategy, structure and rivalry; Chance; and Government as the criteria of the survey. Afterward, 22 sub-criteria of the survey were adopted according to Recreational Agriculture-related researches. To derive key success factors for promoting the competitive advantage of Recreational Agriculture in Taiwan, the study adopted the Fuzzy Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process for polling a consensus among three categories of the scholars, recreational farm owners and government officers. The result shown that Factor conditions was the most important criteria and followed by Firm strategy, structure and rivalry for promoting competitive advantage of Recreational Agriculture in Taiwan. It can be seen that conditions of recreational farm itself, including workforce skills and availability; capital availability; human resource and shared vision and leadership were the most important indicators in competitive advantage of Recreational Agriculture. Furthermore, this study adopted the six sub-criteria sorted by their global weight presenting their importance in competitive advantage of Recreational Agriculture, which were Shared vision and leadership; Presence of market leaders and innovators; Upgrade of service quality; Workforce skills and availability; Natural amenities and Upgrade of Recreational Agriculture. Besides, the study also concluded managerial implications in the perspectives of development of recreational farms, management of recreational farms, government counselling policy and shared vision. Finally, according to the empirical results of this study, this study proposed six recommendations, including the perspectives of shared vision, surpass, satisfaction, specialized integration, support and safety management, for promoting competitive advantages of Recreational Agriculture in Taiwan. This study named the 6 recommendations as “6S strategies” according to its S-prefix.


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