  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of Traceability System on the Export of Taiwan’s Mango and Its Competitiveness in Japanese Market

指導教授 : 王親仁


2004年我國政府選定蝴蝶蘭、烏龍茶、台灣鯛及芒果等四項農產品為外銷旗艦農產品,其中芒果為我國僅次於香蕉的第二大水果出口項目。日本為台灣主要的芒果出口目標市場,台灣芒果在日本進口市場之進口量與市場佔有率,分別由1998年的8公噸與0.10%,快速成長為2009年的990公噸與8.92%;同期間進口值與市場佔有率,也分別由6百萬日元與0.21%,上升為622百萬日元與14.49%。 本研究透過固定市場佔有率(CMS)模型,分析1998-2009年間日本芒果進口市場變動趨勢與競爭程度。以2004年為分界點,比較我國推動生產履歷制度前6年與後6年兩個期間 ,日本芒果主要來源國之出口表現及市場競爭力變動,以了解台灣芒果出口國際市場競爭力。 實證結果顯示,1998-2009年間日本芒果進口來源國進口值成長情形,僅有菲律賓為負成長,其他各主要來源國均呈現正成長,其中台灣成長90倍之多。根據CMS分析顯示,台灣在日本市場成長效果與競爭力效果皆呈現成長,尤其2004年開始有明顯的提升,主要原因是台灣在日本市場佔有率的成長,使競爭力大幅的提升,顯示台灣實施生產履歷制度有助於國際市場競爭力的提升。 我國推動生產履歷制度與外銷芒果安全管理系統,導致出口結構的改變,使得台灣芒果在日本市場競爭力快速上升。因此加強建構安全穩定之外銷供應鏈,強化衛生安全之全程品質管理,維護農產品國際市場之優質與安全形象,將有助於開創農產品的國際市場外銷潛力,提升國際市場之競爭地位。


The Government selected Phalaenopsis, Oolong tea, Taiwan tilapia and mango as the exports of Taiwan's flagship agricultural products in 2004. Mango is only to banana as the second largest fruit export project. Japan is Taiwan's main mango export target market. The market share of Taiwan mango imports in Japanese market rapidly increased from 8 tons and 0.10% in 1998 to 990 tons and 8.92% in 2009. At same period of times, imports value and market share also rose from 6 million yen and 0.21% to 622 million yen and 14.49%, respectively. This study adopted the constant market share (CMS) model to analyze the trend and the degree of competitiveness in Japanese mango imports market during 1998-2009. With 2004 as the cutoff point, we compare the performance of exports and the variability of market competitiveness before and after tracking system implement for Japan's major source countries of mango export in order to understand Taiwan's mango export competitiveness in the international market changes. The empirical results show that the import value growth of Japan mango imports source countries, only Philippines is positive. Especially Taiwan grew 90 times in 1998-2009. According to CMS analysis, Taiwan’s growth effects and competitiveness effects were still increasing, especially in 2004. Due to the significantly increased the market share in Japan market, Taiwan has greatly enhanced competitiveness. It shows the implementation of the traceability system in Taiwan will be helpful to enhance of the competitiveness in international market. The implementation of traceability systems and security management system for export mango have resulted in the changes of export structure, and made rapidly increasing the competitiveness of the mango market in Japan. Furthermore, strengthening the construction of the export supply chain security and stability, enhancing the health security of the whole quality management, and maintaining excellent quality and safety image of agricultural products will be beneficial to create potential competitive ability of agricultural export, then promoting the competitive position in the international market.


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